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you faint and die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Q: What if you flat and you are without oxengy to the brain what can happen?
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What is flat without bumps?

flat without bumps

What is a flat racing pattern race?

Flat horse racing is when a horse is racing on a flat. a flat is a course without jumps. Flat horse racing is horse racing without jumps.

What will happen if you flat iron your hair before you take a shower?

nothing wiLL happen , but it you wash it after yuu fLat iron it , it wiLL go back to thee way you had before you fLat ironed it .

Is a flat EEG a good indication of deep sleep?

No. A completely flat EEG is the indicator of brain death. Even in deep sleep, the brain remains active and the EEG will reflect this.

When did Lambing Flat riots happen?

Lambing Flat riots happened in 1860.

What can happen to a car if you turn it off without putting it on park?

the car will probably roll backwards or forwards if it is on a hill. If the car is on a flat area of the ground, nothing.

What would happen if the sand dunes did not have wind?

The whole beach or whatever it was on would be totally flat. Wind is what shapes sand dunes. Without it, they just would not exist.

What can happen with a flat tire?

A flat tire can lead to reduced tread wear and sometimes blowouts.

When did Milford Flat Fire happen?

Milford Flat Fire happened on 2007-07-06.

Do earthquakes only happen in flat surfaces?

No earthquakes do not only happen in flat surfaces. Earthquakes happen where ever two faults colide and the vibrations come through and cause an earthquake... (Hope this helps... this is all that i know...)

What does a flat eeg mean?

EEG's are instrumental electrical readings of Brain activity. If EEG reading is flat, it indicates that the Brain is no longer functioning and is generally used to pronouce death in patients who have been on long-term life support.

What are the 3 kinds of reefs?

brain coral and coral branches. some of them are flat too.