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An important event that occurs during interphase is chromosome duplication (the uncoiling of the DNA). This prepares the cell for cell division as the cells are still growing during interphase.

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Q: What important event occurs to chromosomes during interphase?
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Chromosomes replicate during this phase between divisions?

Chromosomes are replicated during DNA replication, which occurs during interphase.

Duplication of chromosomes occur in?

The replication of the chromosomes occurs during interphase.

What phase is when chromosomal material replicates?

Chromosomes are replicated during DNA replication, which occurs during interphase.

Would you see chromosomes durin the synthesis phase of the cell cycle?

Synthesis occurs during Interphase. During Interphase, the genetic material is present as chromatin, a loosely bundled coil in the nucleus. The chromatin does not condense into chromosomes until Prophase. Thus, you would not see chromosomes during synthesis.

What cell process occurs during intephase?

in interphase you can clearly see the nucleus but you can't see the chromosomes yet. The chromosomes are actively duplicating themselves.

What process occurs to the cell during interphase?


What phase of mitosis do the chromosomes replicate?

Strictly speaking, the chromosomes are not copied during mitosis but already before cell division takes place. This phase is called INTERPHASE and is again divided into three phases, G1 (first gap), S (synthesis), and G2 (second gap). The replication of chromosomes only happens in the S phase.

Does gene copies DNA strand for mitosis?

Yes. Genes are composed of DNA, and DNA replication occurs during interphase. This is when the chromosomes are doubled.

Do chromosomes double in mitosis?

Mitosis occurs in almost all eukaryotic cells. The duplication of chromosomes only occurs during the S phase of interphase in mitosis to form chromatids.

In what phase of mitosis does the Majority of cell growth occur?

Cell growth occurs during interphase. Interphase prepares the cell for division by doubling the number of organelles and duplicating the chromosomes. Interphase is not actually part of Mitosis, as mitosis is strictly the dividing of the cell. Thus, no growth occurs during any of mitosis' four phases (prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase).

How do eukaryotes reproduce?

Interphase is when DNA replication occurs. :)

What occurs during a cell in interphase?

During interphase the cell grows, carries out metabolism, and if it will reproduce, it replicates its DNA.