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glycogen and insulin

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Q: What is An example of antagonistic hormones controlling homeostasis?
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What are the antagonistic hormone?

Antagonistic hormones are the hormones that have opposite effect in the body. For example, insulin and glucagon, para thyroid hormone and calcatonin.

Your body controlling glucose fluctuations is an example of what process?


Why body temperature control is an example of antagonistic effectors?

in homeostasis an antagonistic effector is what brings about the response to the change in environment in order to keep your internal environment the same. for exampe if the core body temperature is too low the antagonistic effector is what increases your body temperature.

What is an example of a sentence with the word antagonistic?

Theodore's actions were unneccesarily antagonistic. The antagonistic detective was very scary to the people he was questioning. The small child displayed antagonistic tendencies. Her father was antagonistic.

What is an antagonistic pairs?

Antagonistic pair is a combination of agonist and antagonist muscles that only one contracts and the other one relaxes. The biceps in a human body are an example of it.

Describe the 3 ways in which hormones can interact?

1. Synergistic effects in which two or more hormones act together to produce an effect that is greater than the sum of their separate effects. 2. Permissive effects in which one hormone enhances the target organ's response to a second hormone that is secreted later. 3. Antagonistic effects in which one hormone opposes the action of another. For example, insulin lowers blood glucose level and glucagon raises it.

Sentence for homeostasis?

Homeostasis is the state of equilibrium. An example sentence would be: The homeostasis was very interesting to everyone doing the research.

What is an example of a controlling question?

heres an example: y r my parents always controlling me

Are there any antagonistic muscles pairs in the body?

Yes for example biceps and triceps

The ability of the human body to regulate the level of blood glucose is an example of?


What is a example of a homeostasis?

The body's mechanism for maintaing a steady sugar level in the blood is an example of homeostasis.

Is talking an example of homeostasis?

No it is not, homeostasis is when you keep your insides stable despite your outside environment. A good example of homeostasis is your body temperature, it is typically at 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit or 32 degrees Celsius.