

What is Chondromalacia patellae?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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13y ago

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Chondromalacia patellae is most often found in young women where the knee caps (patellae) develop a condition that softens the cartilage. The added description of severe diffuse thinning indicates that it has progressed to a larger degree. A person with this condition may experience significant pain when walking, or doing other activities like sports.

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13y ago

Chondromalacia patellae refers to the progressive erosion of the articular cartilage of the knee joint, that is the cartilage underlying the kneecap (patella) that articulates with the knee joint.

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14y ago

Chondromalacia patellae is most often found in young women where the knee caps (patellae) develop a condition that softens the cartilage. The added description of severe diffuse thinning indicates that it has progressed to a larger degree. A person with this condition may experience significant pain when walking, or doing other activities like sports.

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What is a patella?

A patella is a kneecap.The patella, in medical terminology, is basically the knee cap.

What does rickett mean?

Rickets is the common term chondromalacia. It is caused by a lack of vitamin D in the diet and causes bones to form abnormally, because they cannot deposit enough calcium. Both calcium and phosphorus are important for proper bone development.

Which bone will join with the femur?

Tibia, Acetabelum Tibia, Acetabelum Tibia, AcetabelumThe femur articulates with the Tibia, Patellae and the OS coxae (pelvis).Hip bone and shin bone

What is the tibia commonly called?

The tibia, shinbone, or shankbone is the larger and stronger of the two bones in the leg below the knee in vertebrates and connects the knee with the ankle bones.

What are the main bones in your body?

The major bone groups, locations, and bones are the following: The skull in the head includes the cranium and the mandible. The cranium mainly includes the frontal bone, the parietal bones, the temporal bones, the occipital bone, the zygomatic bones, and the maxillae. The spine, spinal column, or vertebral column in the back includes the cervical vertebrae, the thoracic vertebrae, the lumbar vertebrae, the sacrum, and the coccyx. The rib cage in the chest includes the true ribs, the false ribs, the floating ribs, and the sternum. The arm bones include the scapulae, the humeri, the ulnae, and the radii. The hand bones include the carpals the metacarpals, and the phalanges. The pelvis in the hip includes the ilia, the ischia, and the pubic bones. The leg bones include the femora, the patellae, the fibulae, and the tibiae. The foot bones include the tarsals, the metatarsals, and the phalanges. Source(s) My very smart brain. your mom sucks penis

Related questions

What is chondromalacia?

Chondromalacia literally translates to softening of the cartilage, but it usually refers to chondromalacia patellae (see related question).

Do you need crutches for Chondromalacia Patellae?

no, unless it is really bad or if your doctor tells or allows you too. i have it

Could you please tell me non surgical solutions in any stream of medicine for chondromalacia patellae?

Prolotherapy for chondromalacia involves intra-articular (inside) injections as well as injections on the outside of the knee, stimulating the growth of many musculoskeletal structures around the patella. It is for this reason the knee gets stronger and the pain of chondromalacia is relieved. Hope this helps.

What is Chondromalacia patellae associated with?

It is associated with irritation or wear on the underside of the kneecap, or patella. In a normal knee, the articular cartilage is smooth and elastic and glides smoothly over the surface of the thighbone, or femur, when the knee is bent.

Who is Chondromalacia Patellae common in?

CMP is most common in adolescent females, although older people may also develop it. An average of two out of 10,000 people develop this condition, many of them runners or other athletes.

What is a sentence using the word chondromalacia?

Chondromalacia means an abnormal appearance of cartilage, especially of the kneecap. The doctor noticed chondromalacia at the joints.

What animals can have chondromalacia?

Any animal with cartilage can have chondromalacia, which is a degenerative process that causes cartilage to soften.

What is patellofemoral pain syndrome?

It is basically a long name for the back of your kneecap hurts. Many people have heard of this even if they don't realize it. It goes by many different names. A few are chondromalacia, patellofemoral disorder, patlellar malalignment, and runner's knee. (Runner's knee is probably the easiet to say!) Patellofemoral pain syndrome is pain behind the kneecap

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The plural of patella is patellae (pa·tel·lae).

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