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whats Stores waters, ions, and wastes - found in both animal and plant, but is very large in plant cells.

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Q: What is Stores waters ions and wastes found in both animal and plant but is very large in plant cells?
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Do animal cells store wastes in their vacuoles?

Yes. Animal cell vacuoles do hold wastes, along with water and nutrients.

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What stores food water and wastes in cells?

The vacuole if its a plant cell

What stores water and waste in animal cells?


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What is a membrane bound organelle within the of plant cells temporarily stores food enzymes and wastes?

The Central Vacuole.

Which organ removes wastes from the cells of the body?

The liver removes wastes from the cells.

Where are food water and wastes stored in the cell?

They are stored in the vacuoles of the cell. They can be found in both plant and animal cells.

What is the function of the vacuoles in a cell?

The function of the central vacuole in animal cells is different then in plant cells. In animal cells its main job is to store waste products of the cell to be later disposed of.

Why is the vacouole ssmall in the animal cell?

it stores water for the cells

What stores food and wast materials for the cell?

What stores supplements in Animal cells are tiny orginelles called vacuoles(pardon if I misspelled)the vacuoles act as storage houses for the foods you eat and later on is used by the mitochondria to convert the food and water to energy. Keep in mind cells do NOT store wastes, the cell membrane is meant to keep hazards like viruses and uneeded materials out of the cell. When however the cell needs to get rid of wastes, it quickly removes it.