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" gets lost "

I think you are describing a nondisjuction event where the chromosomes are not properly pulled apart to their proper positions by the mitotic spindle.

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Q: What is a chromosome called when it gets lost during mitosis?
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Chromosomes are only present in the cell cycle during?

Chromosomes can be seen during cell divison, Reference Before a cell gets ready to divide by mitosis, each chromosome is duplicated (during S phase of the cell cycle

What is it called when mitosis goes out of control?

when mitosis goes out of control it is called

How many chromosomes are in each daughter cell in mitosis?

in case of human beings each daughter cell gets 23pairs of chromosomes means each get a total of 46 chromosome after karyokinesis.

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The process by which a daughter cell accidentally get two copies of a chromosome is called "nondisjuction".

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Mitosis - increases the cells in a multicellular organism...take grade 11 bio

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Answer A man and woman get together hopefully out of love, they have intercourse and during the intercourse, the man ejackulates inside the woman's vagina. In the sperm there are thousands of eggs that a man leaves inside the woman, she fertilizes them and with good luck, she gets pregnant and the couple concerned has a baby.

How abnormal number of any chromosome gets into gamete?

That happens in Ana phase.When a chromosome is not split in centromere,a chromosome fully moves to a daughter cell.

How is the X chromosome inactivated?

The X chromosome is inactivated when a (-CH3) gets added to one of the nitrogenous bases of DNA nucleotides.

What is Normal cell division?

Cell division is called mitosis. It occurs in eukaryotes, or multicellular organisms. It has different stages to ensure that it gets done correctly.

What is the solution to the problems caused by cell growth?

Mitosis. The cell splits when it gets too big.

What is cell division called in Somatic Cells called?

Somatic cells are the cells that form the body like skin, blood and bones. These type of cells go through the cell division process called mitosis. Gametes, or germline cells, like sperm and ova go a different cell division process called meiosis.

When do you use mitosis?

All cells in your body are constantly going through mitosis. Mitosis is the division of cells to make an exact replica of itself. Mainly your cells go through mitosis if a cell dies or gets injured.