

What is a dominant and ressesive?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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14y ago

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dominant is a genetic factor that blocks another genetic factor. recessive is a genetic factor that is blocked by the presence of a dominant factor.

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15y ago

dominate= the one who tells you what to do in bed

reccessive=the one who does it

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14y ago

the dominant is the expressed trait and the recessive is the unexpressed trait.

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14y ago

Dominant is the Dominatnt Gene

Recessive is the Secondary

Menaing.. Parent 1 has blue eyes, parent 2 has brown eyes

the child would have blue because blue is dominant

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The answer is recessive. It is recessive because recessive is negative and left-handed is unordinary. Dominate people write with their right hand. Remember that!

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at least one dominant allele: The answer above ^ is WRONG: The notation TT means that the chromosomes that carry alleles for a certain characteristics both have a dominant gene,which means TT is a two dominant alleles because each T is one dominant allele. SHORTER IS: 2 DOMINANT ALLELES.

Is red hair a ressesive gene?

no if you have red hair then it is a dominant gene because you can see it. If you do not have red hair then you could have a recessive gene (same as anyone else :P)

If an allele for a particular trait is not expressed at all when another allele for the trait is present the allele is?

The allele not expressed would be recessive whilst the other is dominant. This would be the case in a heterozygous genotype. Hope this helps