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Q: What is a fungus that shoots it's spores?
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How the fungus spreads to new sources of food?

The fungus reproduce by microscopic spores. These spores can be spread in the air and soil, where they can be inhaled or come in contact to surfaces.

Do potatoes have spores?

The potato itself has no spores. However, potatoes can be very susceptible to fungus infections, particularly in storage. The fungus which attacks the potato, of course, will have spores.

Does a fungus produce only a few spores?

No, when a fungus enters its spore producing phase it usually produces many millions of spores.

What is a sac fungus?

A sac fungus is a fungus belonging to the phylum Ascomycota, which contains non-motile spores in a sac.


A sac fungus is a fungus belonging to the phylum Ascomycota, which contains non-motile spores in a sac.

What is the difference between megasporangia and microsporangia?

feature mega micro size large small produce megaspore, microspores female gametophyte male gametophyte spores 4 megaspores numerous microspores

Can mold spores develop in cake mix?

spores can't develop without a mushroom or fungus

What are spores and what is the important factor in relation to infetion control?

Spores are the seed of a fungus or mushroom. certain fungus can kill other fungus in a human body. Some doctors use CERTAIN KINDS of mushrooms for medicines.

A puffball fungus is a type of?

Fungus - the fruiting body with the spores, specifically. Just kick it downhill and you´ve helped it reproduce by letting it puff out spores.

What structure produces spores of a fungus?

The sporangia. (singular:sporangium)

What protists use spores to reproduce?

Fungus like protists

Explain how the fungus spread to newsources of food?

The spores of the fungi spread over long distances and germinate where food is already available.