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The regulator gene produces repressor protein.

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Vincent Hilpert

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βˆ™ 2y ago
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βˆ™ 9y ago

The control of when and where proteins are made.

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βˆ™ 3mo ago

Gene regulation is the process that determines how and when genes are turned on or off in a cell. This process involves the control of gene expression, which can be achieved through various mechanisms such as transcription factors, epigenetic modifications, and non-coding RNAs. Gene regulation is crucial for the proper functioning of cells and organisms.

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Nathan Fatiga

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βˆ™ 3y ago

The control of when and where proteins are made.

-APEX Learning

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βˆ™ 8y ago

The regulator gene produces repressor protein.

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Q: What is a gene regulation?
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Who was the operon model of the regulation of gene expression in bacteria was proposed by?

The operon model of gene regulation in bacteria was proposed by François Jacob and Jacques Monod in 1961. They introduced the concept of operons, which are clusters of genes with related functions that are regulated together. This model has since become fundamental to our understanding of gene regulation in prokaryotic organisms.

When does the most important step in gene regulation occur?

The most important step in gene regulation typically occurs during transcription, where RNA polymerase binds to the promoter region of a gene to initiate the synthesis of messenger RNA (mRNA). This step determines whether a gene will be expressed or not, and is crucial for controlling the levels of gene expression within a cell.

How are genes turned on and off in a cell?

Genes are turned on and off through a process called gene regulation. This process involves the binding of specific proteins to regulatory regions in the gene's DNA, which can either enhance or inhibit the gene's expression. Various factors, such as environmental cues and signaling molecules, can influence this gene regulation process.

What is the main purpose of gene regulation in eukaryotes?

The main purpose of gene regulation in eukaryotes is to control which genes are turned on or off in response to internal and external signals. This allows for precise control of gene expression, ensuring that the right genes are expressed at the right time and in the right amount for proper cell function and development.

How does gene regulation lead to cell specialization?

Gene regulation allows different genes to be turned on or off in different cell types, leading to the expression of specific proteins that determine cell specialization. This process enables cells to acquire distinct functions and morphologies, contributing to their specialization within tissues and organs.

Related questions

Where might one go to learn more about gene regulation?

Wikipedia has many articles on the subject of gene regulation. One could also borrow or look up gene regulation in text books from their local library. Many university professors also post their lectures and notes on gene regulation online for everyone to view.

Who was the operon model of the regulation of gene expression in bacteria was proposed by?

The operon model of gene regulation in bacteria was proposed by François Jacob and Jacques Monod in 1961. They introduced the concept of operons, which are clusters of genes with related functions that are regulated together. This model has since become fundamental to our understanding of gene regulation in prokaryotic organisms.

What does cellular differentiation depend on?

regulation of gene expression

What is unique about eukaryote gene regulation?

I dont knowww!!

What has the author Bart Deplancke written?

Bart Deplancke has written: 'Gene regulatory networks' -- subject(s): Laboratory Manuals, Gene expression, Gene Expression Regulation, Genetic regulation, Methode, Laboratory manuals, Gene Regulatory Networks, Netzwerk, Transcription Factors, Genregulation, Gene Expression

Why lac operon the gene expression is switch off?

explain the regulation of gene expression in lac operon.

What term refers to controlling the speed of protein synthesis?

Gene Regulation

Which term refers to controlling the speed of protein synthesis?

Gene regulation

What is it called when sections of chromosomes control genes?

regulation of gene expression

What RNA molecules is involved in regulation of gene expression?


What is a riboswitch?

a form of gene regulation based on alternative forms of RNA

Differential gene expression?

Differential gene expression refers to the gene expression that reacts to stimuli or triggers. It is a means of gene regulation where certain hormones produce an effect on protein biosynthesis.