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Down's syndrome is one that can be detected, in this disorder the person has one extra chromosome. This chromosome failed to separate during cell divisoin which resulted in a gamete having 24 chromosomes instead of 23. A person with downs syndrome has 47 chromosomes which can be observed by karyotyping.

Another in turner's syndrom, in only occurs on the X chromosome and it results in a female missing or having an abnormal X chromosome. In karyotyping you will see that the female only has one X chromosome. It can not occur in males because they only have one X chromosome and a Y chromosome can not survive by it self.

Klinefelter's Syndrome is when a male has an extra X chromosome. So he will have XXY (47 chromosomes) this is also detected in karyotyping.
Karyotyping is a test to examine chromosomes in a sample of cells, which can help identify genetic problems. They can also be used to study chromosomal aberrations, cellular function, and gather information past evolutionary events.

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15y ago

Trisomy 21, trisomy, 18, trisomy, 13, Turners syndrome (XO), Klinefelter's syndrome, XYY sydrome, CML, XXYYYY syndrome, and other aneuploidies...

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11y ago

Yes - genetic disorders that involve whole chromosomes or large segments of chromosomes can be detected on a karyotype. An example of this would be Trisomy 21, or Down syndrome.

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Down Syndrome

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Sex-linked allele.

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Q: What is a genetic disorder that can be detected by karyotyping?
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What is a genetic disorder that cannot be detected by karyotyping?

Karyotyping looks at the complete set of chromosomes. It can detect large-scale abnormalities, such as missing/extra chromosomes or whether large pieces of chromosomes have been rearranged. It cannot detect any of the many, many genetic disorders which are caused by a single gene, several genes or gene interactions. Examples of these would be cystic fibrosis, sickle-cell disease and dwarfism.

Can all genetic diseases be identified in a karyotype?

The can be analyzed to determine the sex of the individual and whether there are any chromosomal abnormalities.

Can tay-sachs disease be detected by karyotyping?

Tay-Sach's has a defective gene on chromosme 15

How are genetic diseases predicted?

By looking at the individuals chromosomes through a process called Karyotyping

Why is karyotyping performed?

Karyotyping is performed to review the genetic sequencing of a person to make sure that the person does not have defective genetic material, which could lead to serious deformities or mutations that would affect the development of a person or otherwise affect the person negatively throughout their lives.

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Is hemophilia considered a genetic disorder?

It is a disorder which is passed on through your genes. It's actually quite simple. You see, hemophilia is hereditary, hence the "genetic". Then, it is a disorder of the blood, hence "disorder". "Genetic Disorder".

Is Alice in Wonderland syndrome a genetic disorder?

Alice in Wonderland has a genetic predisposition; however, it is neurological (not genetic) disorder.

What can karyotypes be used for?

Karyotyping is a diagram of ones chromosomes and is used to help determine if a baby will inherit any genetic disorders. Overall, Karyotyping is useful in studing chromosomes and how they work.

Is Attention Deficit Disorder a genetic disorder?

It appears to be caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors.

Is pervasive developmental disorder genetic?

Yes pervasive developmental disorder genetic. Try to keep away from it it is a very bad disorder.

What is inherited genetic disorder?

A disorder you inherit from your ancestors.