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Q: What is a good shade tree that does not shed leaves?
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Related questions

What causes shade beneath a tree?

Shade beneath a tree is caused by the leaves.

Can leaves shade a plant?

Along with the branches of a tree the leaves represent a big portion of the shade that trees provide.

What is the difference between waiting shed and waiting shade?

The difference between waiting shed and waiting shade is the structure. A waiting shed is a small structure where a person can go to get out of the sun. Waiting shade is under a tree or in the shadow of a structure out of the sun.

What kind of tree does not shed leaves in the autumn?

An evergreen.

During which time of the year the trees shed lots of leaves?

Autumn (fall) is the season when deciduous tree shed their leaves in the north.

When does a pine tree shed its leaves?

All pine trees have flowers but they are insignificant.

What kind of tree sheds leaves in the fall?

Trees that shed their leaves are called deciduous.

What is the name for a tree that doesnot shed leaves in winter?


Do orchid tree shed leaves in winter?

Orchid tree usually sheds its leaves in winter though some species do not.

Is a sycamore a gum tree?

no. they are two differant types of tree. a fir tree is coniferous it does not shed its leaves in the fall, and the sycamore does

Is an ivory silk tree lilac a good tree around a pool?

Does it shed a lot of leaves? or have some sort of stuff that comes off it? If it does, no because it will get into the pool and filter.

A tree that sheds its leaves in winter?

yes they do, the only place that shed their leaves is the deciduous forest