

What is a hemangioma excision?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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Hemangioma excision is the use of surgical techniques to remove benign tumors made up of blood vessels that are often located within the skin.

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Q: What is a hemangioma excision?
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Related questions

What aftercare is required for a hemangioma excision?

Aftercare for a hemangioma excision involves wound care and maintenance such as changing of bandages

Where is excision surgery for a hemangioma generally performed?

the excision surgery can be done on an outpatient or inpatient basis. For very small lesions, local anesthetic may be sufficient, but for the great majority, general anesthesia is necessary

What is the most common technique used for hemangioma excision?

The most commonly used technique for small lesions is very straightforward and involves removing the abnormal vascular tissue with a lenticular, or lens-shaped excision, that results in a linear scar.

Who performs a hemangioma excision?

The procedure is generally performed by plastic surgeons and, except for extremely small lesions, is done on an inpatient basis in a hospital operating room .

What results can be anticipated after hemangioma excision?

Completely normal appearance after surgery is very rare. However, for significantly disfiguring tumors or those that impact physical function

What are the alternatives to hemangioma excision?

observation ("watchful waiting"), treatment with steroids during the proliferation stage to shrink the tumor and speed the involution process, and laser surgery techniques

What are the morbidity and mortality rates following hemangioma excision?

Morbidity and mortality resulting from this surgery is close to zero, particularly because of the new surgical techniques and tools that prevent intra-operative bleeding of the tumor.

What is the greatest risk involved with hemangioma excision?

bleeding during the operation, as these tumors are comprised of abnormal blood vessels. Surgeons often utilize special surgical tools to reduce this risk, including thermoscalpels

What is the correct pronunciation of the word Hemangioma?

Hemangioma is pronounced heh-man-jee-OH-mah.

What testing is required to diagnose hemangioma?

The most common testing for diagnosis of hemangioma which is the abnormal buildup of blood vessels is typically done with an ultrasound. Some hemangioma can be visually detected.

What are the symptoms of hemangioma?

the symptoms of hemangioma include a purplish, red sore on the skin, or a raised tumor with the blood vessels. hemangioma is usually spotted on the face or neck area of the body.

What is an osseous hemangioma of D5?

Osseous hemangioma are common lesions. About 50% of this lesion is found in the thoracic region of the vertebral bodies.