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A heterotroph is an organism (either single-celled or multicellular) that is unable to synthesize its own food and that depends on complex organic substances for nourishment. Heterotrophs thus depend on other organisms in the food chain for their nutrition. By contrast, autotrophs like plants and algae use energy from the sun, or inorganic compounds, to sustain themselves.

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3mo ago

Heterotrophs are organisms that cannot produce their own food and must rely on consuming organic matter to survive. They obtain energy by consuming other organisms or their byproducts, in contrast to autotrophs which can produce their own food through processes like photosynthesis.

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12y ago

an organism that cannot synthesiza its own food and si dependent on complex organic substances for nutrition capability.

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14y ago

A heteratrtoph is an organism that feeds on other living organisms

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What is it called when living things must get their energy by consuming others?

It is called heterotrophy, where living organisms rely on consuming other organisms for energy in the form of organic compounds.

How are autotrophs and heterotrophs similar?

Autotrophs and heterotrophs both require energy to survive. They both play a role in the food chain by transferring energy from one organism to another. Additionally, they are both part of the ecosystem and contribute to maintaining the balance of nutrients and energy flow.

Do cells need carbon dioxide and water to make sugar?

Yes, cells perform photosynthesis to make sugar, using carbon dioxide from the air, water from the soil, and sunlight as an energy source. The process of photosynthesis occurs in the chloroplasts of plant cells and produces glucose, which is a type of sugar.

Why heterotrops prefer complex media?

Heterotrophs prefer complex media because it provides a variety of nutrients in different forms, which can support their growth and metabolism. Complex media are rich in organic compounds like peptones, yeast extract, and amino acids, making it easier for heterotrophs to obtain the necessary energy and building blocks for cellular activities compared to minimal media.

What do all of the microorganisms belong to and why?

Microorganisms can be good or bad. In their good form they assist humans with digestion. In their bad form, they cause viral infections or diseases.