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Q: What is a large cavity within a maxillary bone?
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Which cavity is the space in the skull containing the brain?

They are found in what is called the orbit. It is made of parts of seven bones: Frontal bone Lacrimal bone Ethmoid bone Zygomatic bone Maxillary bone Palatine bone Sphenoid bone

What is the nasal cavity bone?

The roof of the nasal cavity is formed by the (2) nasal bonesThe floor is formed by the palatine bone posteriorly and palatine process of the maxilla anteriorlyThe sides of the nasal cavity is mostly made up of the maxillary bone, as well as parts of the palatine bone, medial pterygoid plate and lateral mass of the ethmoid bone

What is the cavity?

medullar cavity is the space within the diaphysis of a bone that contains yellow bone marrow. also called the marrow cavity ..

What is the medullar cavity?

medullar cavity is the space within the diaphysis of a bone that contains yellow bone marrow. also called the marrow cavity ..

What are the names of cavity with in a bone?

antrum - a natural cavity or hollow in a bone bodily cavity, cavum, cavity - (anatomy) a natural hollow or sinus within the body

What cavity is located within the temporal bone?

Your temple

Cavity within a bone cranial and facial bones?

Sinuses, or air cavities.

What bone articulates with the inferior border of the zygomatic bone?

maxillary bone

What is the name of the cavity that contains the bone cells themselves?

Bone cells, osteocytes, reside in cavities within compact bone called lacunae.

What is the thin layer of cells that lines the medullary cavity within a long bone?


What is The space within the diaphysis containing fatty yellow bone marrow in adults red bone marrow in kids and spongy bone?

Marrow Cavity

Which bone forms the cheek bone?

The zygomatic bone forms the cheek bone.