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Q: What is a picture that shows chromosomes arranged in pairs is a?
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A karyotype shows chromosomes arranged by?

Karyotypes show chromosomes arranged by banding, pattern, size, and shape.

What are karotype?

A karyotype is a picture of all the chromosomes in a cell (x and y) arranged in pairs. Doctors use this to see if a person has the correct number of chromosomes in his or her body. They also use this for other things. The 23rd pair of chromosomes in the karyotype shows if the person is male or female. A girl would have to x chromosomes (xx) while a boy would have a pair of x and y chromosomes (xy). Karyotypes can show genetic disorders or mutations, such as Down syndrome. In down syndrome, the person has an extra chromosome on the 21st pair. There are only supposed to be 23 pairs (56 single chromosomes). By using a karyotype, Genetic Counselors can determine whether a couple can have a chance of having a baby with a genetic disorder.

What shows chromosomes present in a cell?

A karyotype is a picture of all the chromosomes in a person's cells. A human has 46 chromosomes in all but sex cells.

What are pairs of the same chromosomes called?

A pair of chromosomes is called a "chromosome pair."Generally, the two chromosomes in a pair are "homologous chromosomes."An individual form of a gene is called an "allele." (For example: if someone has genotype "Aa", they have two different alleles, "A" and "a")

Matching pairs of chromosomes in a diploid cell is called?

Homologous chromosomes are chromosome pairs, one from each parent, that are similar in length,gene position, and centromere location. The position of the genes on each homologous chromosome is the same, however the genes may contain different alleles.A human karyotype shows the complete set of human chromosomes. Human cells contain 23 pairs of chromosomes for a total of 46. Each chromosome pair represents a set of homologous chromosomes. In males, the sex chromosomes X and Y are homologues. In females, both X chromosomes are homologues.

What is the karyotype for a normal human female?

A normal female karyotype would be described as 46 XX. A karotype shows the pairs of metaphase chromosomes of an individual cell and sorted according to size.

A picture of a dividing pigeon cell taken through a microscope shows that the cell contains 7 chromosomes each consisting of 2 chromatids This picture must have been taken during?

Prophase II of Meiosis.

What is a model that shows how the atoms are arranged in a molecule?

This is a structural model.

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How many chrosomes do human sex cells have?

humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes for a total of 46 chromosomes the last pair is the sex chromosome so the sex chromosome is its own chromosome. the sex chromosome decides witch gender a person is. and everybody starts out female the way you become male is if a y shows up.

What happens after the cell shows alignment of chromosomes along the equaliator plate?

The chromosomes pair up to form chromatids.

Why do humans have fewer chromosomes than chimps?

Chimpanzees have 48 (24 pairs) chromosomes while man has 46 (23 pairs). This is due to the fact that one pair of chromosomes fused during the course of human evolution. Chromosomes have end cap markers called "Telomeres" to protect them from damage. They also have a marker called "Centromeres" that shows where splitting (mitosis) happened in the center of the chromosome. Scientists found in 2004 that the center of human chromosome #2 had two connected Telomeres, meaning that the ends of two chromosomes had fused. For more, see:Hillier et al (2004) "Generation and Annotation of the DNA Sequences of Human Chromosome 2 and 4," Nature 434: 724-731