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Q: What is a relatively small area where a species can live and thrive?
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What effect do keystone species have on an ecosytem?

They maintain biodiversity

What is the difference between a species and a population?

A population is all the organisms that both belong to the same species and live in the same geographical area. A species is defined as a group of organisms capable of interbreeding and producing fertile offspring. There can be multiple populations of one species but a population only consist of one species.

Species that have naturally evolved in an area are called?

FAUNA are the animals that live in a certain area

A term that describes the number and variety of species that live in an area?

some factors that determine the number of species in an area. some factors that determine the number of species in an area.

What are the three types of bio diversity?

Genetic Diversity: the sum of all the different genes in a particular species (species: group of the same type of organisms that can easily breed and produce offspring) -there are small variances in organisms of the same species (ie height, colour). These small differences can help the species to adapt to the constantly changing world. -may help survival rate of species (monoculture vs. rich diversity species) Species Diversity: variety of species and relative abundance to the species living together in the same area. Having the variety of species live together may contribute to their health and sustainability to the ecosystem. Structural (Ecosystem) Diversity: variety of habitats, the different species that live in that habitat, and the relationships that connect the different species together.

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What is the area where a species lives and can thrive?


Changing area under forests and its impact on environment?

Forests are home to a number of diverse species. When the area is changed in any way, the number of species that can thrive there changes.

Do Endemic species face relatively high risks of extinction?

It is true that endemic species face relatively high risks of extinction. An endemic species refers to a species that is restricted or native to a particular area or country.

What is the difference a species and a population?

A species is a type of animal and a population is a group of the same species in a small area.

What network is confined to relatively small space?

LAN. Local Area Network

Can the world end by a tornado?

No. A tornado only affects a relatively small area.

What is the differeence between a species and a population?

A species is a type of animal and a population is a group of the same species in a small area.

Invasive species are species that are?

Invasive species are species that are not native to an area. They typically will thrive in their new environment and in doing so will change the ecosystem by starving out the native species. Some examples of invasive species in America are Japanese beetles, Asian carp, kudzu, phragmites and many many more.

What is the type of network that is confined to a relatively small area?

It is a Local Area Network (LAN). It is the type of computer network commonly found in a house or on small business premises.

What is the large area network?

A local area network is a network that spans a relatively space and provides services to a small number of people

What is an area of sea that is partially surrounded by land called?

Coast A relatively small area of water would be called a bay, and a larger area of water would be called a gulf.

Where did Jesus spent his childhood and adulthood?

Jesus spent His earthly life in a relatively small area around Nazareth in Galilee.