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Q: What is a serum that will agglutinate in the presence of type B blood?
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What is a blood type chart used for?

Blood charts are used to typically identify what blood type an individual has. The test is simple one; there's an anti-serum used to type the blood. If it clumps with Anti-A serum and not the B serum, you are a type A; if you clump with Anti-B serum and not A serum you are type B, if it clumps to Anti-A and B serums, then you are an AB, if doesn't clump to either Anti-A or B serum you are a type O.

Does a person with type B blood agglutinate with a person with type A in the RBC's?

Yes. If you transfuse type B blood into a type A person there will be agglutination because the type A person naturally makes anti-B antibodies. The converse is also true. If you transfuse type A blood into a type B person there will be agglutination because the type B person naturally makes anti-A antibodies.

If your blood clumped with both anti-A and anti-B serawhat would be your ABO blood type?

A person with both A and B antigens is designated as having AB bllod group

What presence of protein determines blood type?

They are located on the red blood cell membrane. n the case of the ABO blood type system, they are actually sugars. The absence of these sugars means the person is type O the presence of either A or B means the person is either type A or B. The prescience of Both A and B means the person is type AB.

How can you determine an individual blood type?

Blood types indicate the presence of certain chains of sugars and fatty acids in your bloodstream. The reason that they are important is that, if you do not have a certain chain in your own body, you will recognize that chain as foreign if it is introduced into your blood and that will cause an immune response. The immune response involves the bonding of antibodies to the foreign chains, and this causes the blood to thicken. When this happens, blood pressure increases and it becomes difficult to pump the blood through your circulation. This can be fatal if not treated. There are four basic blood types - A, B, AB, and O. Someone with blood type A contains the "A chain" and has antibodies against the "B chain" Someone with B blood contains antibodies to the A chain. Someone with AB blood contains both the A and B chains in their own blood, so they will not have a reaction to blood containing either chain. Blood type AB is also called the "Universal Acceptor" because someone with AB blood can get blood from any donor without risk of an immune response. Blood type O contains neither the A nor B chain. Someone with type O blood can donote their blood to anyone without fear of reaction, so blood type O is called the "Universal Donor." Type O blood is highly sought after, and if you have this blood type, you should donate blood as often as possible. Blood typing is important if you are going to give a transfusion of blood. A transfusion of the wrong blood type can be fatal. The process of blood typing does not require a microscope. If you can get hold of a serum that contains antibodies to either A or B chains, than you can determine the blood type of any sample of blood. The process is like this: You have Anti-A and Anti-B serum, containing antibodies. If you mix a little drop of blood sample with the anti-A serum and the A chain is present in the blood, the blood with look clumpy because of the immune response begun by the Anti-A serum. If a sample of blood agglutinates (clumps) with the Anti-A but not the Anti-B, it is blood type A. If it clumps with neither, it is O. If it clumps with both, it is AB.

Related questions

Will blood cells from a person with type B blood will agglutinate with type A antiserum?

blood type B

Does type AB blood contains agglutinate A and B?

If the blood type is AB then the agglutinin would be O because agglutinin is what we do not have. Since the person has AB type blood, he/she does not have O type blood.

What is a blood type chart used for?

Blood charts are used to typically identify what blood type an individual has. The test is simple one; there's an anti-serum used to type the blood. If it clumps with Anti-A serum and not the B serum, you are a type A; if you clump with Anti-B serum and not A serum you are type B, if it clumps to Anti-A and B serums, then you are an AB, if doesn't clump to either Anti-A or B serum you are a type O.

What is a serum enzymes?

Serum enzymes are any type of enzymes that are found in the blood.

What type of pregnancy test is serum pregnancy test?

A serum pregnancy test is a blood test performed in a physician's office or laboratory to get quantitative hCG. A "triple screen" is a blood test for hCG, AFP, and uE3. The other type of pregnancy test is an over-the-counter test which examines urine for the presence of hCG.

What would happen if type a blood is injected with anti serum blood a?

big butts

What would be the major concern for an individual with type a blood who receive a transfusion of type b blood?

the antibodies in the serum of the recipient

What is likely to occur if a person with type A blood receives a transfusion of type B blood?

If this happens, antibodies that the patient already has in his or her blood will attack the donor red blood cells and destroy them. This could cause fever, chills, chest or back pain.

Does a person with type B blood agglutinate with a person with type A in the RBC's?

Yes. If you transfuse type B blood into a type A person there will be agglutination because the type A person naturally makes anti-B antibodies. The converse is also true. If you transfuse type A blood into a type B person there will be agglutination because the type B person naturally makes anti-A antibodies.

Why is the serum separator tube used?

The Serum Separator tube is used when they want to test the serum of the blood. For tests like (NA, K, CL, CO2, LD, HDL) any type of chemistry. It is also used for tests like neonatal bilirubin or an AFP non maternal. There is special gel that separates blood cells from serum, as well as particles to cause blood to clot quickly. The blood sample may then be centrifuged, allowing the clear serum to be removed for testing.

What is lacking antibodies of a specific type in serum?

Serum is serum

Can you transfuse blood from a type A donar into a type B recipient?

No, you can't give someone type A blood if they are type B. You can only give type B or O to someone with type B.The body will reject and then actively attack the blood cells, making the person more sick then when they started transfusing blood.Here's how it goes:Type A = A antigen + anti-B antibody (I hate B)Type B = B antigen + anti-A antibody (I hate A)If A is transfused into B, the antibodies will agglutinate the B causing "clumps"If B is transfused into B, those antibodies will agglutinate the AType O blood can be GIVEN to A or B because there are not anti-O antibodies