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Crossing Over.

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Q: What is a source of genetic variation that involves the swapping of sections of chromosomes during meiosis?
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Which does not contribute genetic variation?

sexual reproductioncross breedinggene swapping between the pair of chromosomes during meiosisetc.

What is swapping of genetic material between homologous chromosomes?

Swapping of genetic genetic material is when two chromosomes (maternal and paternal) with the same gene sequence exchange genes, this occurs during Phrophase 1 of meiosis by a process called crossing over. Hope this helps.

Exchange of wives for sexual purpose is called what?

Wife swapping

Why are two genes found on the same chromosomes are not always linked forever?

Two genes found on the same chromosome are not always linked forever because of a process called genetic recombination or crossing over. During meiosis, the chromosomes undergo a process where they exchange genetic material, resulting in new combinations of genes. This process occurs during the formation of reproductive cells (sperm and eggs). Here's a step-by-step explanation: Homologous chromosomes: Each pair of chromosomes in an individual contains one chromosome from each parent. These pairs are called homologous chromosomes. Crossing over: During meiosis, homologous chromosomes pair up and exchange segments of genetic material in a process called crossing over. This results in the mixing and swapping of genes between the chromosomes. Independent assortment: In addition to crossing over, during meiosis, the homologous chromosomes segregate independently into separate cells. This means that the combination of genes from each parent chromosome can vary in the resulting cells. Recombinant chromosomes: As a result of crossing over and independent assortment, new combinations of genes are formed on the chromosomes. These new combinations are called recombinant chromosomes. The occurrence of crossing over and independent assortment allows for the shuffling of genetic material between chromosomes, leading to genetic diversity and the creation of new combinations of genes. As a result, two genes found on the same chromosome can become separated and inherited independently from each other in subsequent generations. It's important to note that the likelihood of two genes being separated by crossing over depends on the distance between them on the chromosome. Genes that are closer together on the chromosome are more likely to stay linked and be inherited together, while genes that are farther apart have a higher chance of being separated by crossing over. In summary, two genes found on the same chromosome are not always linked forever because of genetic recombination during meiosis, which allows for the shuffling and independent inheritance of genes. This process contributes to genetic diversity and the creation of new gene combinations in populations.

How can you describe crossing over?

A more visual way of describing would be to say something along the lines of two distinct chromossomes shuffling or swapping parts of themsevles.

Related questions

What is a source of genetic variation that involves the swapping of sections of chromosomes during meiosis.?

What is a source of genetic variation that involves the swapping of sections of chromosomes during meiosis.?

Is a source of genetic variation that involves the swapping of sections of chromosomes during meiosis.?


Is a source of genetic variation that involves the swapping of sections of chromosomes during meiosi?

Crossing Over.

Is a source of genetic variation that involves the swapping of sections of chromosomes during meiosis?

Crossing Over.

Which does not contribute genetic variation?

sexual reproductioncross breedinggene swapping between the pair of chromosomes during meiosisetc.

What is swapping of genetic material between homologous chromosomes?

Swapping of genetic genetic material is when two chromosomes (maternal and paternal) with the same gene sequence exchange genes, this occurs during Phrophase 1 of meiosis by a process called crossing over. Hope this helps.

What can produce a duplicate gene?

Cells must replicate their DNA before they can divide. This ensures that each daughter cell gets a copy of the genome, and therefore, successful inheritance of genetic traits. DNA replication is an essential process and the basic mechanism is conserved in all organisms. Creative Biogene

What is the meaning of swapping in c?

Swapping has nothing to do with programming languages.

Asexual reproduction increases genetic variation-the raw material on which natural selection operates?

Asexual reproduction decreases genetic variation which is the raw material on which natural selection operates. This is because asexual reproduction produces identical offspring to the parent.

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Yes it can. You will need an 8 bolt intake instead of stock 12 bolt intake. The other option involves swapping the computer and wiring harness.

What is swap in c?

swapping is nothing but interchanging the values of a given character for example : if a=5 , b=4 before swapping then it becomes a=4,b=5 after swapping

What is meant by swapping of variables?

It means that you swap the values of that variables EX: -==- before swapping :- Variable1 = 5; variable2 = 10; after swapping :- Variable1 = 10; variable2 = 5;