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bone marrow.

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Q: What is a tunnel like passage through a bone called?
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What nerve involves the funny bone?

The "funny bone" is in fact the area of the ulna where the ulnar nerve passes through the cubital tunnel. Hitting the "funny bone" causes a shooting tingling sensation that travels up the ulnar nerve in to the hand.the "Funny Bone" is called that because the bone above it is called the humerus.

What is the short channel through the bone called?

Meatus-A body opening or passage, such as the opening of the ear or the urethral canal. *American Heritage Dictionary

Spinal cord passes through a large opening in the bone?

Occipital bone: The bone that forms the rear and the rear bottom of the skull. The occipital bone encloses a large oval hole called the foramen magnum that allows passage of the spinal cord.

What is an alar canal?

An alar canal is a bony tunnel through the basisphenoid bone of the skull, through which the maxillary artery and nerve pass.

What is rounded opening through a bone?

A rounded opeing through a bone is called a foramen.

What is a whole through a bone called?


What is Gion's canal part of the body?

" The ulnar canal or ulnar tunnel, also called Guyon's canal, is a space at the wrist between the pisiform bone and the hamatebone through which the ulnar artery and the ulnar nerve travel into the hand. " It is on Wikipedia.

A canal leading through a bone is called a?

Volkman's canal

The bone cells communicate with other bone cells through small channels called?

haversian canals

Carpal tunnel formed by which carpals?

The floor of the carpal tunnel is made up of (from the pinky side of the wrist to the thumb side, respectively) the hamate bone, capitate bone, trapezoid bone, and trapezium bone.These bones make up the "distal row" of carpal bones and form the floor of the tunnel at the mid-portion of the transverse carpal ligament - the structure cut by the surgeon during carpal tunnel surgery.

What is the process called that bones go through during fetal development?

Often cartilage "models" are formed, and through work of cells called osteoblasts, bone is eventually formed. Spongy bone is formed first, then compact bone follows.

What is the surgical procedure that involves an incision through the abdominal wall often from the base of the sternum to the pubic bone is called?

sternum to the pubic bone is called breasbone