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Q: What is a type of fracture in which the bone has injured another organ such as a broken rib piercing a lung?
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A bone fracture where the bone is broken into many fragments is?

a type of bone fracture producing many bone fragments is?

What is it called when a fracture breaks the skin?

When a fracture breaks the skin, it is a compound fracture or open fracture. Because the skin is broken, there is a possibility of infection.

What is the Difference between a break and a fracture in a human bone?

Definition: A fracture is a broken bone. A broken bone is a fracture. While many people believe that a fracture is a "hairline break," or a certain type of broken bone, this is not true. A fracture and a broken bone are the same thing! Both of these words mean that the normal bone architecture has been disrupted. This does not imply a certain type of treatment, but in general, bones heal best when immobilized. Medical personnel describe fractures in the following ways:* A complete fracture is when the bone has broken into two pieces.* A greenstick fracture is when the bone cracks on one side only, not all the way through.* A single fracture is when the bone is broken in one place.* A comminuted fracture is when the bone is broken into more than two pieces or crushed.* A bowing fracture, which only happens in kids, is when the bone bends but doesn't break.* An open fracture is when the bone is sticking through theskin.

A fracture in which a broken bone pokes through the skin?

Its referred to as a compound fracture or open fracture. See the related link for more information.

What you call where bone partially broken?

There are two types of bone break where the bone is partially broken. One is called a simple fracture (also called a "greenstick fracture") the other is a hairline fracture.

Related questions

Another name for a broken bone?

A Fracture

What is another name for a broken angle?

a fracture

What is an undisplaced fracture?

it is a fracture in which the two ends of the broken bone are separated from one another

What is another word for a headline fracture?

A compound fracture is another term for a headline fracture. It refers to a bone fracture where the broken bone pierces the skin, leading to an open wound.

What is the medical term meaning multiple broken finger bones?

Phalangeal fractures or fractured Phalanges is the term for multiple broken finger bones.Finger bones are phalanges.Phalangeal fracture

What is the proper name for a broken bone?

A fracture for a broken bone. If the bone is broken badly enough to stick out through the skin it is called a compound fracture.

Why is a compound fracture piercing the skin is a more serious injury than a simple fracture?

That is a very good question! Open verses closed fractures make all the difference. In skin piercing or open fractures, you have contamination of the broken bone with bacteria. The bone infections are very difficult to treat.

What are the similar things in sprain and fracture?

a sprain means that you have jarred the injured body part. A fracture is when you dent or break the bone. A few weeks ago I buckle fractured my arm and it was broken on the inside of my bone not the outside.

What is the technical term for hurting your hand?

Any injury to the hand will be defined by the type or injury, such as fracture or infection, and the part of the hand injured. Thus, a broken hand might be called a fracture of the specific bones involved in the break.

What is the name for a broken bone?


What type of fracture if the bone broken cleanly?

Simple Fracture.

Who has injured themselves in gymnastics?

Yes I have: broken thumb, dislocated shoulder, L-5 vertebrae stress fracture, fractured growth plate in heel, dislocated elbow, Achilles tendonitis, shin splints, broken nose