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formation of scar tissue

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Q: What is a typical result of repairing aging skeletal muscle tissue?
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How can smooth muscle contract if it has no striation or sarcomeres?

Actin and myosin are present in all three muscle types. In skeletal and cardiac muscle cells, these proteins are organized in sarcomeres, with thin and thick filaments. The internal organization of a smooth muscle cell is very different: • A smooth muscle fibre has no T tubules, and the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) forms a loose network throughout the sarcoplasm. Smooth muscle tissue has no myofibrils or sarcomeres. As a result, this tissue also has no striations and is called nonstriated muscle. • Thick filaments are scattered throughout the sarcoplasm of a smooth muscle cell. The myosin proteins are organized differently than in skeletal or cardiac muscle cells, and smooth muscle cells have more cross-bridges per thick filament. • The thin filaments in a smooth muscle cell are attached to dense bodies, structures distributed throughout the sarcoplasm in a network of intermediate filaments composed of the protein desmin. Some of the dense bodies are firmly attached to the sarcolemma. The dense bodies and intermediate filaments anchor the thin filaments such that, when sliding occurs between thin and thick filaments, the cell shortens. Dense bodies are not arranged in straight lines, so when a contraction occurs, the muscle cell twists like a corkscrew. • Adjacent smooth muscle cells are bound together at dense bodies, transmitting the contractile forces from cell to cell throughout the tissue. • Although smooth muscle cells are surrounded by connective tissue, the collagen fibres never unite to form tendons or aponeuroses as they do in skeletal muscles.

How semen ejaculates?

Ejaculation is the result of muscle contractions in the male's pelvis.

How do muscle cells move?

the function of a muscle cell is, by definition, to move. this can be accomplished when the cell contracts. contracting makes it denser, which is why when you feel a relaxed muscle in your arm suddenly tense up, it hardens.A muscle cell expands and contracts in order to allow the human body to control the movement of it's limbs.

What causes the pupils to dilate in someone who is excited or frightened?

sympathetic stimulation causes the dilator muscle to contract and sphincter muscle to relax, as a result expanding the pupil.

An increase in the concentration of ATP in a muscle cell is a direct result of which life function?

Cellular Respiration

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Musculoskeletal deviations can result in?

Musculoskeletal deviations are abnormalities in the muscular and skeletal systems of an organism. These deviations can result in poor muscle balance and flexibility, and improper spinal alignment.

Why does motor neuron disease result in paralysis of skeletal system?

Skeletal muscle contraction is activated by motor neurons in the spinal cord, which are themselves under control from motor neurons in the brain. Without nervous input, the muscles wont respond to volitional control.

What effects does aging have on muscle tissue?

As people age, their skeletal muscle mass starts to deteriorate. Your skeletal muscles (also known as lean muscle) are the muscles that attach to your bones and are under voluntary control.As a result of deterioration, people begin to look, well, flabby as they get older. You may see these changes start as early as your 30s, but most people see the biggest changes between their 40s and 50s.

What causes most injuries to the skeletal system?

Most injuries to the skeletal system result from trauma. For instance, fractures and sprains are usually the result of accidents.

What painful muscle condition can result if you use a muscle too much and tear muscle fibers?

A muscle strain can result from overuse of a muscle and tearing of muscle fibers.

What is a muscle striation made of?

The striations seen in skeletal muscle fibers are the result of the alignment of hundreds of myofibrils within each muscle fiber. A myofibril is a cylindrical organelle as long as the muscle fiber. Myofibrils contain bundles of myofilaments, which are actin proteins and myosin proteins. The differences in the thicknesses of the myofilaments accounts for the banding pattern of light and dark striations.

What causes lymph to move toward the heart?

The lymph is circulated via muscle movement. The lymphatic system is not closed and has no central pump; thus transport is slow and sporadic. Lymph movement occurs due to peristalsis (propulsion of the lymph due to alternate contraction and relaxation of smooth muscle), valves, and compression during contraction of adjacent skeletal muscle and arterial pulsation.

Why do skeletal muscles need a rich vascular supply?

Blood brings oxygen and ATP, which react with one another (oxidation), to the muscle cells. The result of this oxidation process (aerobic) is energy and heat. (Most of the body's heat originates from muscle activity.) Skeletal muscles will not contract unless stimulated by neurons.

Why does repetitive nerve stimulation result in decreased amplitude of the muscle contraction?

The destruction of ACh receptors makes skeletal muscle less responsive to nerve stimulation and more likely to prematurely fatigue. With fewer ACh receptors available to bind to ACh, the skeletal muscle cell membrane potentials have a more difficult time reaching the threshold potential and initiating contraction. Thus, the normal degree of fatigue noted during repetitive nerve stimulation is exacerbated in an individual with myasthenia gravis.