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Altruism is behavior that decreases the reproductive success of one individual to benefit another. It is beneficial to a society because one may sacrifice themselves to save the lives of their species (i.e. family, school, etc.)

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1mo ago

Altruism is the belief in or practice of disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others. It benefits society by promoting cooperation, compassion, and social cohesion, ultimately leading to stronger communities and a more supportive environment for individuals to thrive in.

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Q: What is altruism and how is it beneficial to a society?
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Is an embryophyte plant harmful or beneficial?

Embryophyte plants are beneficial because they are the group of plants that have evolved to reproduce via seeds, making them essential for ecosystems and providing oxygen, food, and habitats for other organisms.

Is 'mutations are beneficial to organisms' a true statement about mutations?

Not always. Mutations can have either beneficial, neutral, or harmful effects on organisms. Whether a mutation is beneficial or not depends on how it impacts the organism's ability to survive and reproduce in its environment.

How do beneficial become more common in an organism over time?

Because as organism's reproduce they pass on that trait then their offspring will pass on the trait and so on

Why is interrelationship important?

Interrelationship is important because it reflects the interconnectedness of systems and entities in our world. Recognizing these interconnections can help us understand the broader implications of our actions and decisions, fostering collaboration, empathy, and sustainability. By acknowledging and nurturing positive interrelationships, we can work towards building a more harmonious and mutually beneficial society and environment.

What happened over time with the beneficial traits in a population?

Beneficial traits in a population tend to increase over time through a process called natural selection. Individuals with these traits are more likely to survive and reproduce, passing on the beneficial traits to their offspring. This can lead to a gradual change in the population's genetic makeup, resulting in the accumulation of advantageous traits.

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What person is displaying altruism which is a behavior Auguste Comte claimed was the cornerstone of a better society?

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Abe ,who organizes food drives the feed people in need

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Neil shows altruism in "Dead Poets Society" by standing up to his father's expectations and pursuing his passion for acting despite the risks and consequences. He also supports his friends in their endeavors and encourages them to follow their dreams. Ultimately, Neil sacrifices himself for the sake of his independence and pursuit of happiness.

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She had lots of altruism on the poor people living in Africa.

A sentence of altruism?

She had lots of altruism on the poor people living in Africa.

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How does altruism develops?

Altruism develops because human beings have an innate sense of compassion. That leads to acts of altruism that seem to sometimes defy logic.

What is the adjective of altruism?

The adjective form of altruism is "altruistic." It describes someone who shows unselfish concern for the well-being of others.

Which person is displaying altruism which is a behavior auguste comte claimed was the cornerstone of a better society's?

Abe ,who organizes food drives the feed people in need