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an allele is an alternative form of a gene that governs a characteristic, like hair or eye color. an individual gets 1 allele for each charecteristic from each parent. There are dominant alleles and recessive alleles. The dominant allele is the allele that is the person's physical appearance, and the recessive allele is the one that isn't visible but the person has in his/her genotype.

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15y ago
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13y ago

Multiple alleles means that for a specific locus on a chromosome there can be 3 or more forms of that gene (allele). Only one allele can be inherited because they are found on homologous chromosomes. Height is not a multiple allele because it is associated with many genes on several chromosomes (plus environmental factors) so this would be polygenic inheritance.

Multiple allele trait is the ABO group. The allele for A B or O (3 alleles ) is found on the same locus, therefore only one of them could be inherited


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10y ago

An allele is a form of a gene. you get 2 alleles for a trait, one from each parent.

A dominant allele is is the allele that is shown in a person's phenotype. A recessive allele is not visible, but is in a person's genotype. Both dominant and recessive alleles can be passed to the individual's offspring.

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11y ago

Alleles are a particular form of a specific gene. There are often many possible alleles that can be inherited for one gene. One example is in the blood types. There are three possible blood type alleles that one can possess; IA, IB and IO which code for blood type A, B and O respectively.

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3mo ago

An example of an allele is the gene for eye color in humans, where different alleles can result in blue, brown, or green eyes.

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13y ago

ABO blood group, a is dominant to o and b too

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14y ago

The dominant allele for brown eyes (B) over the recessive allele for blue eyes (b).

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13y ago

Blood types like A,B or o

Answered By Alex Usovich

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Q: What is an example of allele?
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What is an example of allele frequency?

An example of allele frequency is when in a population of 100 individuals, 60 individuals have the dominant allele (A) for a specific gene, while 40 individuals have the recessive allele (a). The frequency of the dominant allele (A) would be 0.6, and the frequency of the recessive allele (a) would be 0.4.

What is allele masked by the dominant allele?

An allele that is masked by the dominant allele is called a recessive allele. When an individual has one dominant allele and one recessive allele, only the trait determined by the dominant allele will be expressed. The recessive allele will only be expressed if an individual has two copies of it (homozygous recessive).

How do you use Allele Frequency in a sentence for biology?

Allele frequency refers to the proportion of a specific allele in a population's gene pool. For example, in a population of birds, the allele frequency for the gene that determines feather color might be 0.7 for the brown allele and 0.3 for the white allele.

Allele that is always expressed if present?

An allele that is always expressed when it is present is the dominant allele.

How do you write alleles?

Alleles are represented by letters, and two letters are used for each gene to denote the alleles inherited from each parent. For example, "Aa" represents a heterozygous individual with one dominant allele (A) and one recessive allele (a) for a particular trait. When writing alleles, uppercase letters are typically used to represent dominant alleles and lowercase letters are used for recessive alleles.

Related questions

What is am example of a dominant allele?

A dominant allele is the allele which expresses itself morphologically.for example;the dimple on your cheek.your mom has a dimple whereas your father doesn't have it .but you too possess it.then ,your mother's allele serves to be the dominant allele.

How does an allele trait in an organism?

An allele causes a trait by either being dominant orrecessive or example, allele A will occur over allele a because it is dominant.

What is an example of allele frequency?

An example of allele frequency is when in a population of 100 individuals, 60 individuals have the dominant allele (A) for a specific gene, while 40 individuals have the recessive allele (a). The frequency of the dominant allele (A) would be 0.6, and the frequency of the recessive allele (a) would be 0.4.

What is allele masked by the dominant allele?

An allele that is masked by the dominant allele is called a recessive allele. When an individual has one dominant allele and one recessive allele, only the trait determined by the dominant allele will be expressed. The recessive allele will only be expressed if an individual has two copies of it (homozygous recessive).

How do you use Allele Frequency in a sentence for biology?

Allele frequency refers to the proportion of a specific allele in a population's gene pool. For example, in a population of birds, the allele frequency for the gene that determines feather color might be 0.7 for the brown allele and 0.3 for the white allele.

Allele that is always expressed if present?

An allele that is always expressed when it is present is the dominant allele.

What is the general term for an allele that masked in the phenotype by the present of another allele?

Recessive. It is denoted by the lower case version of the first letter of the Dominant gene. For example, if the dominant is "A" then the allele is "a".

Is it proper to put the dominant allele before a recessive allele when determining the genotype?

Yes, it is common practice to denote the dominant allele before the recessive allele when writing a genotype to highlight the dominant trait. For example, if the dominant allele is represented by "A" and the recessive allele by "a," the genotype for a dominant individual would be written as "AA" rather than "aa."

Is an allele larger than a gene?

An allele is a gene. It is one form of a gene. For example, height in pea plants is controlled by one gene with two forms. A pea plant can be tall or short. There is a short allele and a tall allele for the gene governing height.

How do you write alleles?

Alleles are represented by letters, and two letters are used for each gene to denote the alleles inherited from each parent. For example, "Aa" represents a heterozygous individual with one dominant allele (A) and one recessive allele (a) for a particular trait. When writing alleles, uppercase letters are typically used to represent dominant alleles and lowercase letters are used for recessive alleles.

What alleles are mask in complete dominance?

In complete dominance, the dominant allele masks the recessive allele. For example, if an individual has one dominant allele (A) and one recessive allele (a) for a particular trait, the dominant allele (A) will be expressed in the phenotype, while the recessive allele (a) will be masked.

If and individual has one dominant allele and one recessive allele will the recessive allele show up?

No, the dominant allele will be expressed in the individual's phenotype, masking the presence of the recessive allele. The recessive allele will only be expressed if an individual inherits two copies of the recessive allele.