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Yellow fever, known also as yellow jack, yellow plague, or bronze john, is an acute viral disease causing jaundice if the person goes into a secondary stage. The skin becomes yellow. The whites of the eyes more so. This is a common sign of any liver disease.

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8y ago

Another name is yellow plague. This is because it eventually can cause liver damage which begins causing yellow skin

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Q: What is another name for yelllow fever and why?
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Yes. You can catch the yellow fever by: 1. getting bitten by a mosquito. 2. getting the Combat worm. The stickman's vomit contains yelllow fever, together mixed with ink. 3.standing in a desert for 9 hours

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Folllow the yelllow brick road

What causes a Fever that is transfer from one person to another?

I know that fever is passed from one another is because of the cough or fever that's all thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!

What does Influeza do to the body?

the influenza virus is just another name for the know runny nose, high fever, and such.