

What is bacon withdrawal syndrome?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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Bacon withdrawal syndrome, or BWS, is a serious and often fatal disease that involves a prolonged time without bacon. It was first discovered by Dr. Roger Abbit in 1935. He first noticed when his daughter Nicole had trouble dealing with the times of financial struggle and was no longer able to eat 4 pounds of bacon a day. He was able to deduce the only cure for it is to simply eat more bacon. So he convinced her to stop buying silly things like random green regalia just because it was green, and to instead buy lots and lots of bacon for herself and her close friend Anthony. They both eventually died of heart attack at the ripe age of 22.

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it's called withdrawal syndrome wherein you get the feeling of headache and feeling that you will vomit, ok!!!it's called withdrawal syndrome wherein you get the feeling of headache and feeling that you will vomit, ok!!!it's called withdrawal syndrome wherein you get the feeling of headache and feeling that you will vomit, ok!!!it's called withdrawal syndrome wherein you get the feeling of headache and feeling that you will vomit, ok!!!

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Smelling bacon is a symptom of delicious breakfast syndrome. This syndrome has been known to cause fat people. Go to the gym to avoid this happening.

How are withdrawal syndromes treated?

Pharmacologic and medical management is often recommended for withdrawal syndrome. The physical condition of the patient is closely monitored

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Drugs and alcohol affect mood by altering brain chemistry, specifically the production of neurotransmitters.

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A detailed history of the patient's drug or alcohol use taken before detoxification can be helpful in predicting the severity of withdrawal symptoms.

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