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tiny discs help them cling on to leafs

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Q: What is behavior adaptation of a poison dart?
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What is behavior adaptation of a poison dart frog?

Hides under leaves and waits for food instead of going out and finding it.

What is the poison dart frogs behavior?

male poison dart frogs call to other males to defend their territory. males fight to determine dominance. that is some of there behaviour, hope this helps:)

What is an instinctual adaptation poison dart frogs have?

The insects the frog eat consume toxic plants , and then when the dart frog consumes the insect it then consume the toxins which then they find their way to the skin.

What is the behavior of the poison dart frog?

Hides under leaves and waits for food instead of going out and finding it.

What part of the poison dart frog holds the poison dart?

Poison dart frogs got that name not because the frogs have poison darts - they haven't - but because humans used the poison from the frogs to poison their darts.

What is the marking of the blue poison dart frog?

what is the marking of the poison dart frog

How do Poison Dart Frogs act with other Poison Dart Frogs?


How big are poison dart frogs?

Poison Dart Frogs are about the size of your thumbnail

What plant does the poison dart frog get its poison from?

No frogs eat plants. Poison dart frogs get their poison from fire ants.

What is the biggest poison dart frog?

The biggest species of poison dart frog is Phyllobates terribilis, at up to 3 inches long.

Does a poison dart frog live in Australia?

No. There are no species of poison dart frogs in Austalia.

What are a poison dart froginherited traits?

what are some inherited traits for poison dart frogs