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A positive

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Blood type A positive plus A negative equals blood type A positive.

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Q: What is blood type A positive plus A negative equal?
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What types can o plus donate to?

The O pos type can be called a universal donor. They can donate to any type that is also positive. Thus, O pos can donate to O pos, A pos, B pos, and AB pos. O pos should not be used in Rh negative patients in order to prevent the development of anti-D antibodies unless in an emergency and no other type is available.

What types of receipients can receive Type B blood?

Type O or type A broadly speaking. it also depends on other proteins found on the surface of donated blood cells such as rhesus proteins. someone can be rhesus plus or rhesus minus meaning they either have the protein or don't. You can only receive blood of the same rhesus type of as your own for example: A rhesus positive can only receive A rhesus positive or O rhesus positive

What is the difference between A plus and A1 plus blood group?

A+ and A1+ refer to two different blood group systems. A+ is a type under the ABO blood group system, where A1+ specifically refers to subtypes within the ABO system that have additional antigens present. A1+ is a more specific classification within the ABO system than A+.

If the mother has type O positive blood what type of blood type does the father have to be to have a baby?

If the mother has type O positive blood, the father could have type O, A, B, or AB blood, and either positive or negative Rh factor to have a baby. Blood type inheritance follows specific rules, so a child's blood type can be predicted based on the parents' blood types.

Can a mother with b plus blood type and a father with b plus blood type have a baby with a blood type?

Yes, it is possible. The geneotype of the mother would be either BB or BO and for the father would be OO. If you cross the father's geneotype and either of the mother's then at least two of the four outcomes will be for B blood type. As for the - and +, positive is dominant over negative. The father could be + - or + + and the mother would be - -. Either combination would result in at least two positives. Therefore, it is possible for the mother to be B-, the father to be O+ and the baby to be B+. I added the link to the website where I got my info from. I want to know if an rh b neg blood type mother and an O positive father can have an A positive baby?