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circulatory system

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Q: What is cytoplasm compare to in the body system?
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What can you compare a cytoplasm with?

compare it to jelly and a ball it it (if it's a brain your talkin about)

What could you compare a cytoplasm in a cell to in the human body?

Jello or bone marro cytoplasm the jellylike sunstance that fills most of the cell is cytoplasm most other cell parts float within the cytoplasm a human has regular blood and no cytoplasm unlike humans cytoplasm is from plants only

Does cytoplasm have a Golgi body?

Is a golgi body cytoplasm matter

How can you compare cytoplasm to a real life situation?

Because cytoplasm is real life, there is nothing to get excited about.

What object can compare to a cytoplasm?

You could compare cytoplasm to a jar of jelly because cytoplasm is a "jelly-like" substance and jelly is,well, jelly!

Which places in the body contain cytoplasm?

Cytoplasm is found inside all the cells of the body.

What everyday objects can you compare cytoplasm to?

a green crayon cause when you color with it it makes it green and cytoplasm makes the stem green.

Does human respiratory system have cytoplasm?

Cytoplasm is the fluid inside a cell, so since the respiratory system is made of cells, the cytoplasm is inside of the respiratory systems cells.

Solar system compare with body organ system?

The solar system is in outer space. There are 8 planets in the solar system. They all rotate the sun. The body organ system is a completely different thing. Figure it out.

What is the different between cytoplasm and axoplasm in nervous system?

The axoplasm is the cytoplasm of an axon.

What organelle functions as a communication system for the cytoplasm?

The Endoplasmic Reticulum is an important organelle of the cell. The ER functions as the communication system for the cytoplasm.

What part of the human body would you compare system unit in a computer?

This is the same as the human brain.