

What is dominant in biology?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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9y ago

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Dominant in science means either 'expressed' in genetic terms or 'widely held and accepted as the basis of comparison' in general terms such as "the dominant view".

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9y ago

There are many things that are dominant in Biology. If a trait is dominant in biology it covers the appearance of a recessive trait.

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I read in freshman biology that it is recessive. According to Barry Starr, Stanford University geneticist, bent pinky is a dominant trait.

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This is biology and is called heredity or genetics.

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In Reference to biology and dominant traits, these are the traits that are physically exhibited over the recessive traits of the partner.

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What is recessive and dominant mean?

I am pretty sure the recessive and dominant alleles you are talking about are covered in Biology. Recessive alleles are basically alleles that are received from both parent's DNA that are carries, (dd). However, dominant alleles are (exactly what it says) always expressed. If there is one dominant allele and one recessive allele the dominant allele overpowers the recessive. (DD) and (Dd)overpowers (dd).

What is dominant in biology mean?

In genetics it refers to a gene that will always be expressed when present. In behavioral Biology dominance refers to members of a population that are basically in charge.

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0 (there is no chance it will be short since tall is dominant over short). Hope this helps! - Biology Student

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In Biology, a morph is each of several variant forms of an animal or plant. Polymorphism isthe occurrence of different forms among the members of a population or colony. The dominant morph would be the strongest of the different forms.

What happens to A trait controlled by a dominant gene?

yes, if two Bb parents have kids, there is a 3:1 ratio that their children will show a dominant trait (BB Bb Bb bb). For multiple alleles (3 or more) it gets a little more complicated. Some traits, like height, have 1000's of genes affecting them. Consult your biology teacher for more information.Yes. Because to have a dominant trait you can have two dominant alleles or just one dominant and one recessive (because a dominant allele negates the effect of a recessive allele.) To get a recessive trait it takes two recessive alleles as oppose to a dominant trait where it takes only 1 to have a dominant trait. Therefore Dominant traits are more common.

Why is it sometimes impossible to determine the genotype of an organism that has a dominant phenotype?

it is impossible because the phenotype and genotype are different this is out of chapter 10 in the biology book on page 336