

What is germology?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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9y ago

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Gemology or gemmology is the science dealing with natural and artificial gems and gemstones. It is considered a geoscience and a branch of mineralogy. Some jewelers are academically trained gemologists and are qualified to identify and evaluate gems.

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9y ago
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11y ago

The germ theory is a specific microbe causes a specific disease.

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Andiswa Nkosi

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2y ago

Germology is the scientific study of the origin and evolution of topographic and bathymetric features created by physical,chemical or biological processes operating at or near the earths surface.

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I am not sure who in their right mind would entirely believe something so absurd when history shows that it was Edward Jenner who did the research and work. Though moving on past the bad spelling and poor grammer in that answer i believe that his work was important because it spear-headed vaccination and research of vaccinations in England.Before there was no actual proof and only rumours that cowpox could make humans immune to smallpox, though Edward Jenner proved it with his research and even several tests on different subjects (Details can be found in wikipedia i believe). This made other scientists and doctors in effect start their own research for vaccinations for other deadly diseases off the base of Jenner's own, he became the first "immuniser" using knowledge that recovering from a mild form of disease gives human beings protection.So overall, it would be said that his work was so important because it made us look differently at how we could cure and strengthen our bodies against these illnesses. Even with old ideas we could use them to find cures for the diseases of today, such as AIDS for instance which is a common problem.I hope this helped, as i too was looking into Edward Jenner and his work.~Barrbossa_it is to get you understand the germs of germology to kill you by killing edward Jenner or so ma great granauntmother said. Edward died inchildbirth alony with his ma and then his father and son thomas made the discovery not him as everyone thinks, doctors have discovered that the chil that died but did'NT ,thomas was, actually edward modern day scientists of Edward Jenner association.True!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Approved by parliament and Frank's papa , IL appelle Marcowritten by Mimi labouchere.