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The chlorophyll (the green stuff that does photosynthesis) inside the leaves die out in the fall/winter because they don't make any food in the winter, just the food they saved up. Then, there are other colors (the yellow and orange) that show since the chlorophyll dies out. Sometimes, the sap gets stuck in the leaves and make it look purple-ish or red-ish.

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Q: What is happening inside a tree when the leaves change colors?
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What part of speech is the colors change on the leaves in the fall?

The phrase "colors change on the leaves in the fall" contains a subject ("colors"), a verb ("change"), a prepositional phrase ("on the leaves"), and a prepositional phrase ("in the fall"), making it a complete sentence.

Why leaves turn colors in fall?

It is amazing to watch nature change seasons, so many different colors appear in each season. Leaves change colors in fall because many of the leaves are dying.

Do all trees have leaves that change colors?


When do leaves change colors?

In the Fall or Autumn

Do leaves ever change colors?

Leaves on deciduous trees change colour in the Autumn prior to dropping.

What month do the leaves change colors in Penn?

In spring

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Do mapple tree leaves change 4 colors a day?

No maple trees I think you mean change colors by seasons

Do the leaves change color in the fall in Texas?

The leaves would change colors and fall off if the tree is a deciduous tree

Is cutting of tree a chemical change?

No. Trees' leaves change colors beacuase when winter comes around, they will not have the energy to keep leaves, so they seal off the leaves from the rest of the tree. When the leaves are cut off from the rest of the tree, the chlorophyll in them dies, and turns brown.

What are signs of fall?

The colors of the leaves of deciduous trees change, then drop.

What colors do the leaves change into at autumn?

Brown gold yellow orange