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a vesicle of a cell is a small storage container the transport vesicle is from the endoplasmic reticulum it should contain proteins to be shiped out of a cell

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Q: What is incoming transport vesicle of Golgi apparatus?
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Can bud off vesicles which form the golgi apparatus?

vesicleSecretory vesicles bud off from golgi. They are small packages of proteins

What forms on the ends of the top layer on the Golgi apparatus?

The forms on the ends of the top layer of the Golgi Apparatus are the incoming transport vesicles.

Who does the Golgi apparatus work with?


What organelles or structures are associated with secretion?

Golgi complex

Where are cells products modified and packaged in vesicle for transport?

the products are energy, carbon dioxide, and water.

What do the nucleus ER ribosomes Golgi apparatus and vesicle work together to do?

They all work together to transport cellular materials.

Which structure in eukaryotic cell sorts and trasports proteins?

The Golgi apparatus, or Golgi body, is where proteins and lipids are sorted and packed. The Golgi apparatus has different vesicles that are attached to its edges. One of the vesicles is called the transport vesicle which transports the processed proteins and lipids to their final destination.

What membrane bound sacs package and transport proteins?

Vesicles produced by the membrane bound Golgi apparatus.

How do proteins get from the ribosomes to Golgi bobbies?

Transport Vesicle

Can a substance packaged by the Golgi Apparatus leave the cell within a vesicle?

Substances packaged by the Golgi Apparatus can leave the cell within a vesicle. Vesicles of membrane lipids and proteins bud off from the trans-Golgi sacs of the Golgi Apparatus and are directed to their destination.Trans-Golgi sacs are sacs that are farthest away from the endoplasmic reticulum.

What moves proteins around cells?

Ribosomes carrying proteins are exported from the golgi apparatus throughout the cell

What cell organelle is respnsible for moving protein through the cell?

A vesicle is the mode of transport for proteins to go where they need to go. The protein is packaged into a vesicle at the endoplasmic reticulum, and is brought to the Golgi apparatus or elsewhere in the cell.