

What is inherited genes?

Updated: 6/12/2024
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15y ago

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"Inherited Genes" is simply the genes you inherite from your parents. Those genes make your sex, color of your hair, spaceing between your eyes, and everything about you is made up of genes passed down by your parents.

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15y ago
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1mo ago

Inherited genes are genetic material passed down from parents to offspring. These genes determine traits such as eye color, height, and susceptibility to certain diseases. Inherited genes contribute to the genetic uniqueness of individuals.

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Inherited physical traits are directly related to?

Inherited physical traits are directly related to the genes passed on from one's parents. These genes dictate characteristics such as eye color, hair texture, and height. The combination of alleles inherited from both parents determines the physical traits a person will have.

How do you use linked genes in a sentence?

Linked genes are genes located close together on the same chromosome, and they tend to be inherited together. For example, if genes for flower color and plant height are linked on the same chromosome, they are likely to be inherited together rather than independently.

How many genes determine an inherited trait?

An inherited trait is typically determined by multiple genes working together. The exact number of genes involved can vary depending on the trait. In many cases, dozens to hundreds of genes may contribute to a single inherited trait.

How do genes relate to inheritance?

Genes, which are units of heredity, are passed down from parents to offspring through the process of inheritance. They contain the instructions for the development and functioning of all living organisms, determining traits such as eye color, height, and susceptibility to diseases. The combination of genes inherited from both parents influences an individual's characteristics and traits.

Can two alleles from different genes be inherited together?

Yes, it is possible for two alleles from different genes to be inherited together through a process called genetic linkage. However, the extent of linkage between genes depends on their physical proximity to each other on the same chromosome.

Related questions

Why genes are called herditary?

This is because genes are inherited and herditary is a scientific way of saying inherited, used when talking about inherited diseases and genes. Hope this helps! :)

Are genes inherited the same way as chromosomes?

Genes are contained in chromosomes - therefore they are inherited together.

Which genes does melinda feel she has inherited from her parents?

Melinda feels she has inherited genes related to intelligence and creativity from her parents. She also believes she has inherited genes related to physical characteristics like hair color and eye color.

What causes inherited diseases?

Genes that are inherited from your parents cause inherited diseases.

What is a physical trait determined by inherited genes?

Eye color is a physical trait that is determined by inherited genes. The specific combination of genes inherited from parents determines the color of an individual's eyes.

Can allelic genes be inherited as linked genes?

Yes, allelic genes can be inherited as linked genes if they are located close to each other on the same chromosome. Linked genes tend to be inherited together unless recombination occurs during meiosis, which can result in the separation of linked alleles.

Structure on which genes are inherited?


How are attached and free earlobes inherited?

It all depends on the genes that are being inherited.

Who discovered that genes are sorted and inherited separately?

Gregor Mendel discovered that genes are sorted and inherited separately. It is called the law of independent assortment.

What does inherited trait mean?

An inherited trait is a feature or characteristic of an organism that has been passed on to it in its genes.

Inherited traits are controlled by what?


What animal characteristics are determined by genes?

Inherited ones