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In sexual reproduction, one parent contributes one factor and the other contributes the other factor. In asexual reproduction, the factors come from one parent.

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Q: What is it when the male contributes one factor and the female contributes the other factor?
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Do men or women produce males?

The male contributes to the child being male or female.

What determines if you are male or female?

TDF (testicular determining factor) is a gene found on the Y chromosome that will determine if one is male or female. If it is present, one is a male. If it is absent, one is a female.

What sex will a person be if the father contributes an X chromosome?

Type your answer here... Male,if the mothe contributes a Y

What combinations of sex chromosomes produces a female?

It is the father's contribution that determines the sex of the offspring. Of the XX and XY pairs that determine sex, the mother always contributes an X. If the father contributes an X as well, the offspring is female. If the father contributes a Y, the offspring is male.

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The fundamental frequency and pitch of the voice.

Can humans only be male and female?

No, there is a condition called XXY where it is a cross over of male and female. Other than that, yes male and female are the standard.

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Worms are both male and female. One end is male and the other is female.

Can you take your dog for a walk when it is in season?

if its a male yes just watch out for a male and female dog or your male will fight with the other male to get the female. if its a female just steer clear of male dogs or the male dog may attack the owner or the walker to get to the female dog

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What is the male and female pink dolphins size?

female is called your mom male is called your other mom tada

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There is no difference between a male female gumamela. Both have male and female parts, just like many other flowers.

How do dogs attract female dogs?

they will try to be the alpha a round other male dogs and try to convenes the female that they are more stronger then the other male