

What is keratitis polaris?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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It's a skin condition that resembles much like that of acne.

Its sort of like ingrown hairs but with no hair, can be caused my the skin being too thick for hair to break through, causing a lump.

Ive had it ever since I was born, and Im almost 20.

Lactic acid creams can help control it, it can't be cured but controlled and sometimes disappears with age.

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Q: What is keratitis polaris?
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What is inflammation of the cornea?

The cornea is the transparent portion of the outer surface of the eye, through the cornea enters the light. Keratitis (collective noun for a number of diseases in wich the cornea becomes inflamed) has multiple causes, and there are several forms of keratitis, like photokeratis. That is a (painful) eye condition caused by exposure of insufficiently protected eyes to the UV rays. There are also some other forms of keratitis, wich you can find on the internet, books, etc.

What is acanthamoeba keratitis?

Acanthamoeba eye infections in contact lens wearers are rare but serious, and they often start because of improper lens handling and poor hygiene. To avoid Acanthamoeba keratitis, contact lens wearers should follow lens wearing and cleaning instructions from both manufacturers and eye doctors very closely. Proper contact lens care greatly reduces the risk of all contact lens-related eye infections, including those caused by Acanthamoeba. Wow I'm 16 and I know all about

What are the sources of eye infections?

heres a short list- * Pink eye- conjunctivitis * Blepharitis * Cellulitis * Keratitis * Corneal Ulcer * Trachoma of course there are more list corneal tumers, color blindness etc..... heres a short list- * Pink eye- conjunctivitis * Blepharitis * Cellulitis * Keratitis * Corneal Ulcer * Trachoma of course there are more list corneal tumers, color blindness etc.....

What is the top speed for a 1993 polaris Indy 440 liquid cooled?

about 62 mph. and I'm about 200pounds too. those things are fast.They are more of a trail riding bike than a utility bike

Is pinkeye caused by poop particles?

Pinkeye (also called conjunctivitis) is redness and swelling of the conjunctiva, the mucous membrane that lines the eyelid and eye surface. The lining of the eye is usually clear. If irritation or infection occurs, the lining becomes red and swollen. See pictures of a normal eye and an eye with conjunctivitis. == WebMD Medical Reference Traditionally, at-home remedies have been sufficient for soothing conjunctivitis associated with uncomplicated colds, minor infections, or allergies. Treatment consists primarily of cleansing the eyes and preventing the condition from spreading. Viral conjunctivitis usually runs its course in one to two weeks. Because it is not caused by bacteria, viral conjunctivitis does not respond to antibiotics. Artificial tears will also help relieve symptoms. For bacterial conjunctivitis, the treatment will probably call for antibiotic eye drops or ointment. This generally clears the symptoms within a few days.Read more about home treatment for pinkeyeRelated to pinkeye symptoms, conjunctivitis, erthyromycin, swollen eyelid, eye infection, viral conjunctivitis, stye, bacterial conjunctivitis, infant pink eye, allergic conjunctivitis© 2008 WebMD, LLC. All rights reserved. Pinkeye is very common. It usually is not serious and goes away in 7 to 10 days without medical treatment. Common symptoms of pinkeye are: * Eye redness (hyperemia). * Swollen, red eyelids. * More tearing than usual. * Feeling as if something is in the eye (foreign-body sensation or keratoconjunctivitis). * An itching or burning feeling. * Mild sensitivity to light (photophobia). * Drainage from the eye. Most cases of pinkeye are caused by: * Infections caused by viruses or bacteria. * Dry eyes from lack of tears or exposure to wind and sun. * Chemicals, fumes, or smoke (chemical conjunctivitis). * Allergies. Viral and bacterial pinkeye are contagious and spread very easily. Since most pinkeye is caused by viruses for which there is usually no medical treatment, preventing its spread is important. Poor hand-washing is the main cause of the spread of pinkeye. Sharing an object, such as a washcloth or towel, with a person who has pinkeye can spread the infection. For tips on how to prevent the spread of pinkeye, see the Prevention section of this topic. People with infectious pinkeye should not go to school or day care, or go to work until symptoms improve. * If the pinkeye is caused by a virus, the person can usually return to day care, school, or work when symptoms begin to improve, typically in 3 to 5 days. Medicines are not usually used to treat viral pinkeye, so it is important to prevent the spread of the infection. Pinkeye caused by a herpes virus, which is rare, can be treated with an antiviral medicine. Home treatment of viral pinkeye symptoms can help you feel more comfortable while the infection goes away. * If the pinkeye is caused by bacteria, the person can usually return to day care, school, or work 24 hours after an antibiotic has been started if symptoms have improved. Prescription antibiotic treatment usually kills the bacteria that cause pinkeye. Pinkeye may be more serious if you: * Have a condition that decreases your body's ability to fight infection (impaired immune system). * Have vision in only one eye. * Wear contact lenses. == Red eye is a more general term that includes not only pinkeye but also many other problems that cause redness on or around the eye, not just the lining. Pinkeye is the main cause of red eye. Red eye has other causes, including: * Foreign bodies, such as metal or insects. For more information, go to the topic Objects in the Eye. * Scrapes, sores, or injury to or infection of deeper parts of the eye (for example, uveitis, iritis, or keratitis). For more information, go to the topic Eye Injuries. * Glaucoma. For more information, go to the topics Eye Problems, Noninjury or Glaucoma. * Infection of the eye socket and areas around the eye. For more information, go to the topic Eye Problems, Noninjury. Swollen, red eyelids may also be caused by styes, a lump called a chalazion, inflammation of the eyelid (blepharitis), or lack of tears (dry eyes). For more information, go to the topics Styes and Chalazia or Eyelid Problems (Blepharitis). Review the Check Your Symptoms section to determine if and when you need to see a doctor.

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