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the transmission of the causative organism through the environment from the feces of an infected person to the GIT of a susceptible host

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Q: What is meant by the fecal oral route of disease transmission?
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Is poliomyelitis a water borne disease?

The virus responsible for poliomyelitis is transmitted via the fecal-oral route. It is a completely preventable disease due to the widely available vaccinations.

What are the five means by which pathogens can be transmitted?

Direct Transmission - person-to-person contact.Certain diseases are spread by physical contactwith an infected person. Examples are syphilis, gonorrhea, and scabies. Indirect Transmission - person-to-object contact. (1) Droplets, air, and dust. (2) Fomites. Articles contaminated with disease germs from an infected person may become vehicles of disease transmission if a susceptible pers them. Examples of fomites are con taminated clothing, bed linen, and eating utensils Airborne Transmission - droplet infection Aerosol, Spray, or Spatter Perenteral Transmission - through the skin as a cut Blood-borne Transmission - direct or indirect contact with blood or other body fluids Food and Water Transmission Oral-Fecal Transmission

How are Salmonella and E coli infections similar?

you mean Salmonella and Escherischa coli both give you the runs and can kill

What are some examples of human diseases caused by protozoans?

Some protozoa are human parasites, causing diseases.Examples of human diseases caused by protozoa:MalariaAmoebiasisGiardiasisToxoplasmosisCryptosporidiosisTrichomoniasisLeishmaniasisSleeping SicknessDysentery

Can you get crohn disease from kissing?

No Transmission is difficult. Even by the usual route - a bite from an infected tick - it is commonly quoted that the tick needs to be attached for an entire day for infection to be passed on to the person. Sexual transmission is anecdotally reported - but there is no medical proof for this (although this could be due to lack of research rather than lack of validity!). The one human-human transmission that is commonly recognised is from mother to foetus. If you are worried about any symptoms you may have, see your family doctor / GP. Lyme disease is simple if treated early but can have a lasting effect on the patient if the diagnosis is missed. Hope that helps, enjoy the kissing!

Related questions

What are three ways to get an infectious disease?

You can get an infectious disease through airborne transmission, bloodborne transmission, sexual transmission, or oral/fecal route, to name a few. Tuberculosis is airborne, HIV is bloodborne or sexual, polio is oral/fecal.

What is the fecal oral route of typhoid fever?

Transmission often occurs when a person in the carrier state does not wash hands thoroughly (or not at all) after defecation and serves food to others. This pathway is sometimes called the fecal-oral route of disease transmission

Is typhoid fever airborne?

Typhoid fever is not an airborne disease. It spreads by fecal/oral route.

What are the disease mode of transmission?

Air borne, also called by droplets, by fecal oral route, by direct physical contact or by way of infected cloths etc, sexually transmitted and vector borne are the five modes of disease transmission.

Is hepatitis A infectious or non-infectious?

Hepatitis A is an infectious viral disease. It is spread via the fecal-oral route.

What is portal of entry for cholera infection?

Portal of entry for cholera is your mouth. Transmission of cholera occurs by fecal oral route.

Is poliomyelitis a water borne disease?

The virus responsible for poliomyelitis is transmitted via the fecal-oral route. It is a completely preventable disease due to the widely available vaccinations.

What is the most frequent route of disease transmission?

The most prevalent method of disease transmission is hand to mouth. Washing your hands after touching any public space is the single best disease prevention. Other routes of disease communication are food, water, airborne, sexual transmission, blood transmission, etc.

What is the mode of transmission of cholera?

Cholera is transmitted by fecal oral route. It is transmitted by contaminated water. It is also transmitted by contamination of food by flies and by contaminated hands.

Is H pylori communicable? is. transmission of h pylori occurs from person to person following and oral-oral and oral to fecal route.

How is e coli spread?

fecal oral route

What is amoeba mode of transmission?

Amoebiasis is usually transmitted by the fecal-oral route. Ameobas are also transferred indirectly through contact with dirty hands, and is spread through ingestion.