

What is necrophelia?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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necrophilia nec·ro·phil·i·a (něk'rə-fĭl'ē-ə)

n. # An abnormal fondness for being in the presence of dead bodies. Also called necromania. # Sexual contact with or erotic desire for dead bodies. {}

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necrophelia and thats pretty gross it also includes doing strange acts to a dead body.

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Where do you perform necrophelia?

Necrophilia is when a very depraved person has sexual intercourse with a corpse. If you are asking where to perform it, find yourself a corpse...also find yourself a shrink because there is something seriously wrong with you!

Why would the writers have Lita lose a baby and say she was glad; even if it is fake this is not something to joke about?

It's a sick excuse of a storyline. She wasn't pregnant, and they needed a way to explain why she didn't have a baby. I agree that a mother would never laugh at the fact she lost her baby, but someone needs to slap the **** out of the creative team for coming up with the whole storyline! Along with the "Dominck isn't Rey's son" storyline. Rey is his father. If I could, I'd love to personally beat up the entire creative team for both those storylines, but I can't.AnswerOK- It was a storyline. Plain and simple. Not a good one..but it wouldn't be the first bad story line. Lita's response is to incite anger in viewers, especially those more conservative viewers. Sadly, in all honesty, there are mothers out there that feel this way- that have no remorse if something happens to an unwanted child- look at all of the children tossed away in trash cans, etc. AnswerFor you remember when HHH dressed up as Kane. Accusing Kane of Necrophelia...Showing the "Sex scene" on Television. It was Hokey...we all KNEW it was HHH. But just the thought of pissed off a lot of viewers. Thousands of e-mails and letters were sent and they made a public apology. My point.....WWE f@#$s up all the time with bad storylines and there has definitely been worse than this Pregnancy one. AnswerOK here it is, DID IT GET YOUR ATTENTION????? That's the point!! It keeps you watching, its a soap opera, whether you think the creative team is a bunch of @$$holes for doing it, it achieved it's objective, that's why it's called a "Creative Team" not to mention they are strecthing there limits with the FCC and the Viewers, but you are still watching. I did not like those sotries either and found them appauling, but that's life, and it got your attention. Nothing more to be said on it