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Diffusion across the lipid bilayer

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Q: What is nitrous oxide gas molecules diffusing across a cell's plasma membrane?
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How does the material move from the respiratory system to the circular system?

Material moves from the respiratory system to the circulatory system by diffusing across a membrane in the air sacks called alveoli.

What is the process of water diffusing across a what membrane?

Water diffusses across a semipermeable membrane

How would sugar enter a cell that has a low concentration of particles get through a cell membrane and into a cell wall?

By diffusing across the protein membrane.

What kinds of molecules freely diffuse across a semipermeable membrane?

Water molecules freely diffuse across a semipermeable membrane.

When molecules are moving back and forth across the membrane will they ever stop moving?

Yes, in an isotonic solution the movement of molecules across the membrane will stop.

What is the process When proteins help molecules move across the membrane is called?

when proteins help molecules move across the membrane, it it called Facilitated Diffusion

Why do most substances have to be assisted through the plasma membrane?

The plasma membrane is made from tightlypack phospholipids. The plasma membrane prevents polar molecules and large molecules from diffusing freely. Fatty (lipophilic) molecules can easily pass through. since cells often need water soluble materials such as water and sugars, transporters and pores need to be made out of proteins to let those molecules through. One of the most important pumps is the Na+/K+ ATPase pump which maintains gradients of sodium and potassium across the cell membrane

What is the membrane that surrounds the cells?

this is the cell membrane made primarily of lipid molecules with proteins incorporated into it that aid in transport of molecules across the membrane

What biomolecule helps transport molecules across the membrane?


Is diffusion of molecules across the cell membrane the most complex type of active?

No, diffusion of molecules across a cell membrane is a passive process, not active, and arguably the least complex.

How do carriers proteins facilitate passive transport of molecules across a membrane?

Carrier proteins facilitate passive transport of molecules across a membrane by changing its shape, by using ATP, to allow a substance to pass through the membrane.

Movement of water molecules across the membrane is the result of?
