

What is parakeratosis?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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Parakeratosis is the incomplete keratinization of epidermal cells characterized by retention of nuclei within cells.

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Q: What is parakeratosis?
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How do you treat Parakeratosis?

I have Amended Orthokeratosis and columnated Parakeratosis. I don't know what that is or how to treat it. I have had it for 2 years now on the bottom of my right foot, and I'm at a loss. PLEASE can you help me. I am 29 years old not sure if that helps... thanks..

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Psoriasis is a common condition of the skin. Talk with your health care provider about what treatment is recommended given the severity of your disease.

Is your sheep low in zinc?

Growing lambs require ~30 ppm of zinc in the diet on a dry-matter basis. Classic zinc deficiency (parakeratosis) is more common in other small ruminants (goats), but is occasionally encountered in sheep, particularly if fed excessive quantities of dietary calcium (legumes).

Treatment for parakeratosis skin condition?

I have had perikaratosis for 40 yrs. and have tried everything from burnt motor oil to toe itch medicine . The only thing that relieves it but not cures it is exfoliate soap from Wal-Mart. My arms have itched so bad , I have scratched in my sleep so hard that my arms bled all over the bed. It feel like my nerves are being zinged by an itch bug. I have to wear long sleeve shirts to cover the sores. I even went to the Dr. and got medicine but to no avail. I hope someone finds a cure for this as this is very embarrassing to be asked why are you scratching and what do you have or is it contagious?

Will apples hurt cows?

Apples should only be fed as a treat. Apples are quite high in starch and sugars which can induce bloat. Also, since cattle like swallowing feed whole and cannot bite an apple in half nor chew it like a horse would, they can choke on them causing the animal to suffocate and die. Other concerns in the past have been about cattle coming down with what is called ruminal parakeratosis, which is another term for damage and clumping of the ruminal epithelium, which can cause death in cattle. This condition is only from those animals that have been fed a high-apple diet, not from those that have been fed apples as a treat now and then. Little research, however, has been done in the feeding of apples to cattle, so precaution must be taken when feeding this fruit to ruminants. Apples can actually be fed to cattle as a replacement to corn. They are cheaper to buy by the ton, even though apples are lower in energy (TDN) and higher in crude fibre (CF) than corn is. Check out the related link below for more info.

What is digital pitting?

The digital pitting scar is a common clinical feature in patients with progressive systemic sclerosis (PSS). Its pathogenesis is unclear, but it may result in small ulcerations. The clinical and histological features of these lesions are poorly understood. Eighty-seven patients with PSS were examined at least once per year. Pitting scars were defined as pinhole-sized digital concave depressions with hyperkeratosis. They were seen in 34 cases (39%) and were located not only on the tips of the fingers, but also on the sides, especially on the radial border of the index and middle finger and the ulnar side of the thumb, where they had a linear arrangement. Additional pitting scars were noticed on the dorsal surface of the proximal interphalangeal and metacarpophalangeal joints. Pitting was closely associated with several signs of PSS, e.g. Raynaud's phenomenon, skin thickening or articular involvement (e.g. stiffness, swelling, pain). There was no relationship between the number of pitting scars and the duration of PSS. Biopsy samples were taken of the lesions on the lateral sides of fingers in 3 patients. Histologically, there was a plug-like hyperkeratosis with parakeratosis, homogenized collagen fibers and slight perivascular mononuclear cell infiltration. Calcification and altered collagen fibers were observed in the deep dermis. Although pitting scars of the fingertips may be different from those of the lateral sides of the fingers, both histologically and pathogenetically, they were similar clinically. The scar locations on the fingertips and finger joints (proximal interphalangeal and metacarpophalangeal) suggest that exogenous trauma, vibration injury and/or cold exposure may play a role in their pathogenesis.

What is a 13 letter word with a as a second letter?

eavesdroppers, dastardliness, pauperization, valedictories, haemaphysalis, dactyloscopic, kathisophobia, hallucinatory, parenthesizes, lactationally, gamogenetical, gastroenteric, magnanimously, cabinetmaking, balkanization, katabolically, bacteriolysis, fasciculately, factionalists, labiopalatine, bacteriotoxin, gastroscopist, pauperisation, labiocervical, palaeobotanic, palindromical, macroclimatic, catheterising, paleographers, barbarization, salpingonasal, parvicellular, saccharimetry, valvuloplasty, nationalizing, managerialist, nationalities, galactosaemia, catecholamine, magnetomotive, tachyphylaxes, carboniferous, saccharometry, manneristical, variolisation, palatorrhaphy, passiflorinae, sacramentally, parthenolatry, malleoincudal, pantagruelian, vascularities, tartarisation, labioplasties, radiotelegram, cantharidized, caravansaries, pandemoniacal, pathogenicity, magnificently, parenthesised, carboxymethyl, vaginoscopies, carpetbagging, fasciectomies, pathoneuroses, caryophylleae, barrecarrosse, papillomatous, malfunctioned, balantidioses, catechisation, hallucinators, narcoanalyses, familiarities, bacteriocidin, patristically, labialization, matrilineally, paraguayensis, patrilinearly, calefactories, dangerousness, tangentiality, magniloquence, vasodepressor, paleopalliums, causativeness, radiographies, paravaginally, xanthomatoses, rapprochement, panspermatism, parophthalmia, magnetization, warmheartedly, catoptrically, dactylologies, baluchistanis, lateroversion, categorically, paradoxically, casuistically, saluretically, rationalisers, manufacturing, masterfulness, dactylography, matriculation, sacrosanctity, ranunculaceae, gametogeneses, malimprinting, salviniaceous, gallification, factorisation, bacteriocidal, parenthetical, pasteurellaes, palatoglossus, vagodepressor, passionlessly, factorization, cathartically, haplographies, laryngoplasty, cantilevering, gastroschises, cannonballing, catechutannic, matchlessness, malariologist, parasitologic, masculinising, radionecroses, camphoraceous, radiologieses, palletisation, palliocardiac, laparorrhaphy, malocclusions, parabolically, carboxylation, radioscopical, particularism, vasectomising, gallimaufries, maduromycosis, faithlessness, cardiotherapy, candleholders, hairsplitters, latrocination, matriculating, garnetiferous, materializing, radioteletype, cardiodynamic, latinisations, malariologies, catalytically, lamellibranch, panoramically, hardheartedly, lagerstroemia, paragammacism, gastrosplenic, palaeognathic, martyrization, hagiographers, cartographers, dandification, canalizations, carboxylating, malleableness, radioactivity, cartelisation, carpetbaggery, hannibalianus, lagophthalmos, rationalities, falsification, mammaliferous, catachromasis, macroscopical, parasexuality, carnivorously, bacteriolyses, matriheritage, paediatrician, sacerdotalise, cannibalizing, malacostracan, cauterization, gasifications, paramagnetism, capricorneans, macromonocyte, gastrohepatic, pandiculation, paragogically, cabinetmakers, sadomasochism, varicelliform, materialities, cartilaginoid, variabilities, gastrulations, pachymeninges, cantillations, bartholinites, mammaplasties, paleobiologic, calciphylaxes, magnetographs, laminectomies, macroeconomic, eavesdropping, parepididymis, laughableness, facultatively, languishingly, laparoscopies, xanthorhamnin, capaciousness, cartophilists, karyopyknotic, paramyoclonus, particularize, macrocephalic, backstretches, sacrificeable, sacerdotalism, harmonisation, bacteriolytic, macrencephaly, magnetisation, lagophthalmus, sarcocystises, magnetometers, pancreatolith, radioactively, parotidectomy, zamboanguenos, parotiditises, panleucopenia, satisfactions, mastoscirrhus, galvanometers, sanitationist, macropolycyte, mademoiselles, sacerdotalist, zarathustrian, tapetoretinal, balneologists, haematogenous, calcariferous, participators, machicolating, pachycephalia, marginoplasty, cancerologies, masculinizing, lackadaisical, haemophilioid, valuationally, manganbrucite, parchmentroll, narcobatoidea, caricaturists, passementerie, martyrisation, sanguinolency, balantidiosis, washingtonian, radionuclides, barefacedness, cardiographic, malinvestment, gametogenesis, magnetometric, pantheistical, papilliferous, haplodontidae, parallelogram, palaeographic, rapaciousness, kapellmeister, dauntlessness, haemorheology, sanctionative, maladminister, sarcastically, cacographical, radionecrosis, calumniations, iatrochemical, gastronomical, nasopharynxes, barbarisation, machinability, nasosinusitis, taboparalyses, carbohydrates, paterfamilias, magnanimities, radionecrotic, campanulaceae, cauterisation, factorability, harquibusiers, easygoingness, galvinisation, sardanapalian, harlequinades, laryngoscopes, laemodipodous, tachographies, gastrocnemial, machicolation, caravanserais, daguerrotypes, catachromases, rationalizing, saccharimeter, patriarchally, hamartomatous, carillonneurs, hairbreadthes, bacteriolysin, panleukopenia, damageability, parovariotomy, paravertebral, maxillofacial, macrocephalus, matriculators, calciphylaxis, macaronically, iatrochemists, vaudevillians, randomization, kathenotheism, matriculatory, laboriousness, saucerisation, radiodontists, campanologers, karyopyknosis, ratifications, rancorousness, palaeographer, backstitching, lacrimotomies, parasyntheton, tantalisation, catholicising, papilledemata, pansophically, nasopharynges, gastradenitis, paleencephala, balneotherapy, matripotestal, salpingectomy, parenchymatic, nationalising, narcoanalysis, capillarioses, manifestation, cardiologists, tachyrhythmia, fascinatingly, hairsplitting, parakeratosis, panchromatism, hallucinative, mastocytomata, jabberwockies, marchionesses, rattlebrained, capacitations, katachromasis, vaginomycosis, marginalizing, participation, ballistically, satiricalness, palynological, mastoiditides, pantelegraphy, narrowcasting, capillarities, vasoformative, carbolfuchsin, labiogression, balsamiferous, parapaguridae, participatory, vandalisation, magnoliaceous, faultfindings, calculatingly, radioactinium, macroclimates, mathematiques, bacteriologic, passionflower, parasigmatism, xanthochroism, laryngologist, patrimonially, manipulations, fasciculation, jargonization, pancreatotomy, calligraphist, vasoganglions, nasolachrymal, mastoplasties, galactolipide, paracanthosis, kaffeeklatsch, maladroitness, gastrovscular, vandalization, valorizations, pasqueflowers, haemorrhaging, pathognomonic, labiatiflorae, vascularising, gametokinetic, cancerologist, malacologists, parthenocarpy, macronutrient, catheterizing, participially, hallucination, macromolecule, manufacturers, parenthesises, cardiospastic,, catastrophist, radiothermies, cartographies, balantidiasis, hallucinogens, familiarizers, carnification, canaliculated, sacrificially, cannibalising, patronisingly, galvanisation, manuscription, maladjustment, cardiopathies, parthenopaeus, mammoplasties, parasitically, habitableness, gastroschisis, parakeratotic, carcinomatoid, patrilocality, sacralisation, tarsoplasties, jawbreakingly, calorifacient, haematoblasts, narcotization, radiabilities, malpracticing, casehardening, maddeningness, madrigalesque, martyrologies, galvanometric, rachicenteses, calliphoridae, malformations, carpiradialis, valedictorian, cardinalities, masterminding, paranephritis, catholicizing, katachromases, parasiticidal, backscratcher, catchpenniers, cartilaginous, particoloured, papilionaceae, lateroflexion, capricornians, paleothalamus, maliciousness, lactobacillus, xanthochromic, harmonization, ratiocinative, parasecretion, basioccipital, hazardousness, matrilinearly, parasternally, haemosporidia, hagiographist, papilloedemas, vaginomycoses, ratiocinating, basivertebral, latinizations, malthusianism, patrileneally, xanthoproteic, tachygraphist, saprogenicity, patriarchates, talonavicular, catechumenate, satanicalness, palaeontology, marginalising, maltreatments, gastrological, paternalistic, cardiorrhaphy, valuelessness, bacterisation, haemodialysis, baccalaureate, maculopapular, managerialism, bamboozlement, parexcellence, marsupialised, latitudinally, masticatories, carbunculosis, cacophonously, pantagruelism, parthenogenic, backworldsmen, xanthomatosis, capercaillies, parathyroidal, balantidiases, , mastoidectomy, radioautogram, galactosidase, laryngologies, matrimonially, nationalistic, karyenchymata, rationaleness, materialising, macropetalous, basidiospores, carlovingians, paleostriatum, ramifications, palatoschises, saurodontidae, dacryadenitis, marketability, laryngotomies, talocalcaneal, vasoinhibitor, laryngoplegia, batrachotoxin, carpetbaggers, familiarizing, variationally, gastrostomies, sarsaparillas, paralytically, participating, kaleidoscopic, vaginectomies, palatographic, gastronomists, barytocalcite, halogenations, barbarousness, ratiocination, sarcoplasmata, laryngoscopic, bandspreading, cancerization, valvulotomies, paphlagonians, lactoglobulin, radiographers, catechization, magnetometery, magistratical, backwardation, iatrogenicity, narcotisation, particularist, familiarisers, marbleisation, radioisotopes, paradidymides, facetiousness, landownership, canonisations, capillariasis, taxonomically, saponaceouses, gastrorrhaphy, gallicization, carburization, carbonisation, gastrocnemius, mastoparietal, carbonization, sacrospinalis, familiarising, kaleidoscopes, salmonberries, sacrolumbalis, palatoglossal, haemarthrosis, catechumenism, caprification, mathematician, manageability, capsulization, calculational, bartonelloses, bacteriogenic, haematocolpos, lateroduction, carburisation, carbenicillin, valorisations, tantalisingly, parasynthetic, manifestative, paraffinomata, tantalization, paranormality, garrulousness, paravaginitis, patentability, halfheartedly, magnification, catastrophism, radioisotopic, magisterially, rachicentesis, xanthoprotein, manslaughters, maduromycoses, laevorotatory, parliamentary, manufactories, maladaptation, radiculectomy, magnitudinous, handkerchiefs, naturellement, radiochemists, campanologist, cardiographes, tastelessness, materialistic, banderilleros, taboparalysis, maternalistic, larvatedrecta, cassegrainian, parapoplexies, rationalizers, fatiguability, narcissuseses, labyrinthitis, variolization, macroglobulin, palaeozoology, paraproctitis, vacuolisation, laughingstock, masterstrokes, parapsoriases, paraganglioma, palletization, tachyphylaxis, vasectomizing, galeopithecus, gastroscopies, galvanoscopic, magnetosphere, paleocortices, tantalizingly, yachtsmanship, particularity, patronizingly, labiogingival, catabolically, panendoscopic, malacophyllus, randomisation, capitulations, sacrococcygei, fantastically, cardinalships, tartarization, cameralistics, salpingostomy, catechistical, saccharomyces, cannibalistic, masculinities, parasiticidic, saccharometer, massachusetts, lacedaemonian, marlinespikes, paraganglions, naphthalising, ratiocinators, radiopacities, katabatically, saprophytical, gastrectomies, sanctimonious, narcohypnoses, sagaciousness, parasynthesis, galvanization, mastigophoran, carrapatinhos, malacological, radiochemical, maxilliferous, sacrotuberous, manipulatable, karyorrhectic, particularise, hatemongering, magistratibus, faultlessness, damnification, rationalising, hagiographies, cardiokinetic, parapsoriasis, pallaesthesia, salpingitises, parasitogenic, waterproofing, painstakingly, martyrologist, paragraphical, canonizations, cardiometries, pantaloonette, sarcophaguses, laryngectomee, materfamilias, palatoschisis, navigableness, lateropulsion, haemorrhoidal, gasterophilus, dadaistically, galactosamine, cartelization, vapotherapies, mammographies, salmonellosis, malabsorption, radiobiologic, callisthenics, carbunculoses, masculineness, calorimetries, salmonelloses, machiavellian, haemodialyses, carthaginians, labyrinthodon, marchantiales, laevorotation, vacillatingly, palimbacchius, pacifications, cantharidised, matrilocality, parakeratoses, cardiectomies, haematologist, hallucinating, daguerreotype, saxifragaceae, capillariosis, haemophiliacs, paleostriatal, bantamweights, gastrophrenic, pachyacriaing, calcospherite, jacamaralcyon, gablewindowed, tablespoonful, cardiographer, capillariases, panmyelopathy, paraumbilical, bartholinitis, parainfluenza, papyrological, labialisation, vapourability, paraphernalia, rationalistic, calcification, xanthochromia, salvationists, galvanotropic, javellization, saccharolytic, galactorrhoea, dasyproctidae, rangerfinders, halicarnassus, calvinistical, ballastoffice, balneological, tachistoscope, salaciousness, jargonisation, calligraphers, damnabilities, cardiohepatic, fascistically, haphazardness, calculability, talkativeness, bartonellosis, narcohypnosis, rarefactional, tapinocephaly, magnificences, pathoneurosis, radiometrical, taciturnities, parenthesized, maladaptively, bammoozlement, bacteriophage, carcinomatous, ballisticians, sandblindness, cardiological, rapturousness, haematoxylons, capercailzies, cancerophobia, palaeognathae, sadomasochist, papaveraceous, daguerreotypy, patriotically, saccharifying, canalisations, gastrologists, habronemiasis, laterotorsion, cancellations, callithamnion, capitalisable, calathumpians, capsuligerous