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Q: What is reduction in the quantity of bone or atrophy of skeletal tissue?
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What is the term that means reduction in the quantity of bone or atrophy of skeletal tissue often leading to fractures in the elderly?


What is the medical term meaning reduction in the quantity of bone or atropy of the skeletal tissue often leading to fractures in the elderly?


Atrophy of skeletal tissue?

Possible in a zero gravity enviroment, if that's what you're asking. Along with muscle atrophy.

What is progressive weakening and size reduction of muscle tissue which is usually the result of disease or disuse is called?

Atrophy is progressive weakening and size reduction of muscle tissue which is usually the result of disease or disuse.

What is ventricular atrophy of the heart?

It is a reduction in the size of a cardiac ventricle. This can be due to prolonged immobilization or from the tissue degeneration (wasting away), that follows with debilitating chronic illnesses.

What is bone atrophy?

Atrophy is the wearing away of an organ or tissue because of lack of use. Bone Atrophy, obviously, is atrophy of bones.

What muscle tissue is multinucleated?

skeletal muscles

What is the degeneration of muscle tissue?


What is atrophied?

Atrophy is the wearing away of an organ or tissue because of lack of use. Bone Atrophy, obviously, is atrophy of bones.

What is the decrease in the strength or size of tissue?


Decrease in size of organ or tissue?


Gary was injured in an automobile accident that severed the motor neurons innervating his quadriceps Even though he has had extensive physical therapy he is still suffering muscle atrophy?

In denervation (disuse) atrophy, fibrous connective tissue replaces the muscle tissue that was lost. When atrophy is complete, fibrous tissue cannot be reversed to muscle tissue.