

What is tetnis?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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Tetnis is a diseaese that people get after a series of things happen. Getting a dog bite or stepping on a rusty nail makes you more likely to get tetnis. I one of the sort of things happen to you, go and get a tetnis shot immediately. When someone has tetnis, their body goes into shock and tends to have violent seisures. Tetnis is definitely a life taking disease. The only way to be sure that you wont get it is to get a tetnis shot.

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You may mean Clostridiumtetani. Which causes Tetanus.

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What it you pierced your lip with a nail?

immediatly go to a clinic or see a doctor disinfectant wont be enough the tetnis virus will still be present (tetnis is deadly)

What should you do if you have been bitten badly by your beagel and you need help?

You need to go and get a tetnis shot at your doctors, also make sure you dont need any stitches.

I got bitten by a cat is it all right?

if it is a wild farrel cat, then tell a doctor right away cuz it might have rabies, if it was an indoor cat, get a tetnis booster just in case.

Which disease is caused by bite of a mad dog?

a lot of diseases spread from dog saliva going into the bite the dog could hav rabies

Are rusty nails safe?

It depends. If you get punctured by one, then no. Go immediatly to a doctor and get a tetnis shot. If you are not punctured by one, then yes, they are safe. I would rather use a new nail if I were building something, however.

Do you need a tetanus shot for a small glass cut?

no, not all the time depending on the size of the cut. Just remember to clense the wound or to close the wound so no bacteria is let in. If bacteria is let in then you would need a tetnis shot.

List five vaccinations you have already had?

1. Chicken Pox. 2. Tetnis vaccine. 3. Flu vaccine. 4. Small Pox. 5. Polio. 6. (New) Swine flu shot. 7. (New) Aids vaccine

How do you treat human bitten by unvaccinated cat?

You have to go to the hospital and get vaccinated for tetnis. If it's a outdoor cat and you have rabies in the country you can need that shot too. The actual bite can be cleaned with soap and water and clean bandage on. If it seems infected see a doctor in case you need antibiotics.

What health concerns are there in Singapore?

Singapore is one of the cleanest countries I've been to. There are no more health risks than any Western Country has. Being in South East Asia it is recommended that you get shots for Typhoid, Tetnis, Hep A and B. There is no risk of Malaria in Singapore. It's one big clean happy don't walk on the grass cities.

Why do vaccination produce active immunity?

vaccinations dont always work. they can actually kill people. vaccinations contain dead cells which causes your white blood cells to attack and try to build up an immunity to whatever vaccine you got. but most of the time the cells arent actually dead and your body wont know how to react. so do some reserch before getting your next flu shot, or whatever shot your getting. the only shots i trust are the tetnis shots.

How do you feel a nail stab you?

I am pretty sure you will not have any difficulties feeling this sort of pain. If you cannot feel this pain, I recommend seeing a doctor. It will/should bleed and you may want to go to the hospital, especially if you are not up to date with your tetnis shot. Actually, that's not necessarily true. I remember getting a nail half an inch into my foot once when I sat down to play Playstation, and I didn't even know it was there until I saw it (after which I freaked out). Sometimes the nastiest injuries aren't accompanied by pain.

How long before you get a tetnis shot?

The Tetanus vaccine is given to babies as part of a three part series called DTaP. This shot includes the vaccine for diptheria, tetanus and acellular pertussis. After the three part series, the Tdap shot should be given every ten years as a booster. This shot again includes tetanus, diptheria and acellular pertussis, but contains smaller amounts of the last two. If you do not get the ten year boosters you should definitely get a tetanus shot if you have a severe rug burn, are cut by any type of metal (including, but not limited to: staples, nails, gates, etc.) or get soil in a wound.