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It belongs from greek akron + omos and it means the most high point of the shoulder

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Q: What is the Etymology of acromial extremity of clavicle?
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Where is the acromial end on the clavicle?

The acromium is a region of your shoulder blade. The clavicle is your collarbone. Where the two articulate or form a joint is the acromioclavicular joint. You can palpate this by following your collarbone towards your shoulder until you feel a notch. That is pretty much putting your fingers right on that joint.

Where does the clavicle articulate with the scapula?

The acromial end of the clavicle articulates with acromion of the scapula to form the acromioclavicular joint.Acromion process, in acromioclavicular joint

What is the upper extremity of the lungs that extends above the clavicle called?


The clavicle is to the ribs?

Clavicle and scapula bones have attachment to thorax by joint and/or muscles. So they are overlapping to the thorax and superior extremity. Conventionally they are placed in superior extremity.

How many bones connect the torso to the arm?

Gleno-humeral joint (scapula to humerus) Claviculo-acromial joint (clavicle to acromion of scapula) Sternoclavicular joint (attaches clavicle to sternum) Scapula articulates with the back of the chest so bones humerus (in the arm), clavicle sternum and scapula

What is the acromial region?

The acromial region is inferior to the head.

How do you make someone fall asleep by grabbing their shoulder?

Its not actually the shoulder your grabbing. You grab underneath the acromial (clavicle bone) and there is a pressure point there. You can press it hard enough so they pass out but not fall asleep.

What part of the human body is served by subclavian vessel?

The superior or the upper extremity is served by the subclavian artery and vein. Subclavian means below the clavicle bone.

Is the acromial body region inferior to the thoracic region?

No, the acromial region (shoulder) is lateral to the thoracic region (chest).

Is the acromial region proximal to the olecranon?

The arm, forearm, wrist, hand, and fingers are all distal to the acromial region.

What is the Anatomical term pertaining to the high point of the shoulder?

acromion process of the scapula? that's my guess