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The scalenus anterior and the scalenus medius all insert into the first rib (the scalenus posterior inserts into the second rib). They originate from cervical vertebrae two to cervical vertebrae seven (C2 - C7). Each of the scalene muscles has several points of origin, which look like fingers from your spine.

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Q: What is the anterior neck muscle which attaches to the ribs is?
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What is the Rib muscle?

There is no "rib muscle." Ribs are bones attached to the vertebral column in the back and the sternum anteriorly. There are muscles attached to the ribs - several, in fact. In between the ribs are the internal and external intercostal muscles, there are the pectoral muscles, the serratus anterior and serratus ventralis, the latissimus dorsi also attaches to the ribs. Internally, the diaphragm attaches to the inferior ribs. Many of the strap muscles of the back attach to the ribs. There are others as well.

What is the name of the short piece of cartilage that attaches the anterior ribs to the sternum?

Costal cartilage


There is no "rib muscle." Ribs are bones attached to the vertebral column in the back and the sternum anteriorly. There are muscles attached to the ribs - several, in fact. In between the ribs are the internal and external intercostal muscles, there are the pectoral muscles, the serratus anterior and serratus ventralis, the latissimus dorsi also attaches to the ribs. Internally, the diaphragm attaches to the inferior ribs. Many of the strap muscles of the back attach to the ribs. There are others as well.

What muscle attaches onto the the cartilage of ribs five through seven?

rectus abdominus muscle

What is the cartilage that attaches the ribs called?

the name of the muscle that is attached to your ribs is called a Diaphragm,it helps your lungs to breathe.

Which muscle attaches onto the cartilage of ribs five through seven?

quadratus lumborum

Which muscle form the middle wall of axilla?

upper 4 ribs and there intercostal muscles.upper part of serratus anterior muscle

Is the lungs inferior Superior anterior posterior or lateral to the ribs?

the lungs are anterior to the ribs

How may individual ribs lack an anterior attachment?

how many individual ribs lack an anterior attachment

What is the structure that attaches the ribs to the sternum?

Cartilage is the structure that attaches the ribs to the sternum. Together with the ribs, the sternum protects major organs like the heart.

What bones are anterior to your scapulae?

The ribs

Ribs numbered 11 and 12 are true ribs because they have no anterior attachments?
