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Arthropods have an external skeletal structure, or "exoskeleton", usually made from a material called "chitin", a natural-made carbohydrate-based polymer. Chitin is not unlike keratin (a protein-based natural polymer, used in other creatures to make nails, claws, hair, etc) in structure.

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Q: What is the arthropod skeleton composed of?
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Is a mouse an arthropod?

No. It does not have an external skeleton, which is one of the main characteristics of an arthropod.

Where is an arthropods skeleton?

Arthropod have exoskeleton. The exoskeleton is composed of a thin, outer protein layer, the epicuticle, and a thick, inner, chitin–protein layer.

What happens to an arthropod's exo skeleton as the arthropod grows up?

As the arthropod grows up, the exoskeleton sheds in order for the arthropod to grow inside of it.

What word an be used for outside of a skeleton arthropod?

The external skeleton used by arthropods is called an exoskeleton.

The exoskeleton of an arthropod is?

composed of chitin

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A hydraulic skeleton is composed of muscle and fluid.

Is a slug a arthropod?

No, , it's a mullusk because it''s invertebrate or no skeleton

What covers and protects arthropod?

The invertebrate animal has an exoskeleton (external skeleton).

Is a squrriel a arthropod?

No, a squirrel is not an arthropod. Arthropods have exoskeletons (skeletons they wear on the outside). The squirrel is a mammal and wears its skeleton on the inside.

Is a goat an arthropod?

No arthropods are organisms with a hard exoskeleton goats have a bone skeleton

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What invertebrates have jointed limbs and a hard external skeleton?

ARTHROPOD Crustaceans Also, insects, arachnids, etc. Generally, invertebrates with jointed limbs and a hard external skeleton are called arthropods. See