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The average male athlete has a 28 inch max vertical leap. The longest length of time a person can be in the air is about 1 second. Michael Jordan spent about 0.9 seconds in the air during his most famous free throw line dunk (about 40 inches vertical during that dunk). Therefore, the average max standing jump is about 0.53 seconds. This varies very greatly depending on vertical leap.

For example, there is a dunker on Team Flight Brothers by the name of T-Dub who has something like a 53 inch maximum vertical, so he could probably "hang" more than a second in the air. Keep in mind that hangtime is only a term to describe the time a human spends off the ground. Every object follows a parabolic path while it is in the air, and therefore, no one (not even Michael or T-Dub) can actually "hang" in the air.

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Q: What is the average standing jump hangtime for a human?
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