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first its the toes

then the ball(the round part next to the biggest toe)

next is the arch(the middle part of the foot that is maybe the part that is very ticklish)

and the heel(the back of the foot. that when you walk is the last part to hit the floor or ground)

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15y ago
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14y ago

The part of foot between toes & the ankle is called as 'Dorsum foot (arch of foot )' . If you seeking about the bone between the ankle & the the highest point of foot (from where the Tibia starts ) then it's 'Talus' which also articulates with 'Calcaneum' [this bone forms ankle joint [its a hinge joint)]. Hope this will help :)

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12y ago

An organ is a collection of tissues joined in structural unit to serve a common function.

Thus by this definition a foot is not an organ, it is just a body part. There is therefore no organ at the back of the foot, the rear of the foot is called the 'heel'.

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9y ago

The common name for the back of the feet is the heel. The bone that makes the heel is the calcaneus.

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15y ago

the back part of your foot is "Heel"

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14y ago

maybe you mean lower leg or calf

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Q: What is the back part of human foot below ankle?
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The metatarsals are technically the foot bones just beyond the ankle. They are between your ankle bones and the toes.

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The heel is the part of the foot at the very back, opposite your toes. The achille's tendon is the name of the muscle at the back of the foot. The ankle is the joint that connects the leg to the foot at the back of the foot. Hope this helped.

Ankle is what to the foot?

The ankle is closer to the body than the foot so it is proximal.

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There is no single ankle bone. The ankle is made of seven bones called the tarsals; the calcaneus, talus, navicular, cuboid, and the three cuniforms. What most people consider their ankle bones are actually the medial and lateral malleolus, on the tibia and fibula bones, respectively.

Are boots shoes?

Boots: Footwear that covers the whole foot and lower leg Shoes: Footwear shaped to fit the foot (below the ankle) So the answer is no

Do the foot and ankle both do dorsiflexion?

Yes, both the foot and ankle have the capacity for dorsiflexion

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An ankle sock is a short sock which covers the foot and ankle.

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The equivalent of the human ankle. It is the sharp bend above the foot in the hind legs of dogs.

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