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Kaylah Ward

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12y ago

The Answer to " What is they study of interactions among organisms and their environment" is ecology. (e•co•lo•gy).

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Biology is one such branch

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Q: What is the branch of biology dealing with interactions among organisms and between organisms and their environment?
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What is it called when the branch of biology dealing with interactions among organisms between organisms and their environment?


What is a sentence with the word ecology?

the branch of biology dealing with the relations and interactions between organisms and their environment, including other organisms.

Scientists who study Ecology look at?

the environment, the organisms in the environment and the interactions between these organisms and their environments. Scientists who study ecology are called ecologists. They study the ecology of a certain place. This means they study a certain area of land. Everything about it from the weather patterns to the animal and plant life.

Organisms interacting with each other and their environment?

Ecology is the study of organisms and their interactions with each other as well as with their environment. The field of ecology includes the studies of earth science and biology.

What does ecological?

the branch of Biology concerned with the relations between organisms and their environment

The branch of biology dealing with interactinns among organisms and between organisms and their environment is called?


How do organisms interact with each other and their environment?

Organisms are not isolated in their environment. Organisms must interact with other individuals of their own species, with other species, and with their physical environment. The study of the interactions between organisms and their environment is called ecology (Greek: oikos- house; logia- study). The study of ecology can encompass all aspects of Biology; from physiology to behavior, because any change within an organism has the potential to affect its relationship with the environment.

A biologist studing interactions between an animal species and its environment is studing biology at which level?


What is the study of the interactions between organisms and the living and the nonliving parts of the environment?

It could be ecology (the study of the environment or habitat) but I think that biology would be better (the study of living things). logy= study of. eco= environment/habitat. bio= life.

How do organisms interact with each and with their environment?

Organisms are not isolated in their environment. Organisms must interact with other individuals of their own species, with other species, and with their physical environment. The study of the interactions between organisms and their environment is called ecology (Greek: oikos- house; logia- study). The study of ecology can encompass all aspects of Biology; from physiology to behavior, because any change within an organism has the potential to affect its relationship with the environment.

What is the branch of biology dealing with interactions among organisms?

Ecology, the study of interactions among organisms and their ecosystem.

The field of biology which is associated with the relationships between groups of organisms and the environment is called what?
