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The bursa.

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Q: What is the cell-lined bag of fluid between the cartilage ends of bones?
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Animal tissue that reduces friction between bones at joints?

yes it reduces friction between bones, and also, synovial fluid reduces friction at the joints as well.

What is the cell-lined bag of fluid between the cartilage end of bones?

The bursa.

What lubricants the joints of your bodies and allows your bones to slide over one another?

in between each bone there is a rough sort of rubbery material called cartilage which prevents bones from rubbing against each other.

What keeps cartilage slippery?

because it needs to be able to reduce friction between bones

What connects a bone to other bones?

There are joints in between the point where two different bones meet. The joint involves a joint capsule, layers of myelin cartilage and synovial fluid.

What protects the bones from rubbing together?

Cartliage and your bones keep your bones from rubbing together.

Which two parts of the joints prevent rubbing together?

a piece of cartilidge between the two bones... there is only one thing

What joins joints together?

Ligaments hold bones to other bones, usually separated with articular cartilage and synovial fluid.

What is the name of the material that covers the end of bones to reduce friction at joint?

articular cartilage a subset of hyaline cartilage

How do cartilage bursae and synovial fluid help reduce friction in the knee joints?

Bone articulate at joints. There are several kinds of joints. The most flexible are the synovial joints, such as the knee and elbow. In these joints the ends of the bones are covered with articular cartilage. The cartilage protects the ends of the bones. Synovial fluid bathes the cartilage to provide lubrication. This is just like oil in a door hinge to keep it running smoothly. The bursa is a bag that surrounds the joint. It's job is to hold the fluid in the joint. The lining of the bursal also makes the fluid. It is a neat system to keep the joints "oiled".

Why are the ends of your bones covered in cartilage?

The cartilage is a protective covering which encases a lubricating fluid, to prevent damage to the bones caused by friction.If you didn't have any cartilage in your joints your bones would not stay in place they would just fall out and if they didn't u would be in extrem pain constantlyCartilage prevents the ends of bones from rubbing on each other. Without cartilage, walking would be very painful.

What provides cushioning at joints?

the cushion at the ends of the bones is called cartilage and is lubricated with sinovial fluid that is produced by your body.