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Q: What is the chromosome number of cell shown in figure 10-4?
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How does the chromosome number in a diploid cell differ from the chromosome number in a haploid cell?

The chromosome number in hapliod cell is 1 while the dipliod chromosome has 2

What is the chromosome number in the daughter cell?

The chromosome number for daughter cells resulting from mitosis is the same as the parent cell.

How many genes do cells obtain?

The number of genes varies from chromosome to chromosome and the number of chromosomes varies from species to species (from as few as 1 single chromosome per cell to as many 30,000 chromosome pairs per cell). Human cells have 23 chromosome pairs per cell.

How is the chromosome number affected by cell division?

In Mitosis, the chromosome number remains the same. In meiosis, the number of chromosomes is halved.

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What is a cell with one-half the regular number of a chromosome?

A sperm cell or an egg cell.

What is meiosis associated with?

Sexual reproduction took me a while 2 figure it out 2

How do the products of meiosis compare to the original cell think about chromosome number?

No, they have half the number.

Mitosis is cell division in which the chromosome number is what?

Mitosis is cell division in which the chromosome number stays the same. Although at some points throughout the cell cycle, chromosomes may consist of two sister chromatids

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