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Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG)

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Q: What is the composite recording of all nodal and myocardial action potentials?
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Related questions

Myocardial cells can generate action potentials spontaneously because they have?

unstable ion channels

Action potentials pass from one myocardial cell to another through areas of low electrical resistance called?

gap junctions

Do action potentials become weaker with distance?

action potentials are non-decremental and do not get weaker with distance.

What do intercalated discs transfer from cell to cell?

action potentials, ionic currents, the force of contraction and ionic currents and action potentials only

Why are fewer action potentials redorded at recording electrodes R2 when TTX is applied between R1 and R2?

Well, it really depends on the numbers. Not to mention, it also depends on the situation they are in also.

What you mean by autorhythmicity?

The pacemaker is known as the SA node (sinotrial) and it generates action potentials to the AV node and then to the bundle of his down to the purkinje fibers. The branching of cardiac muscle tissue and the intercalated discs allow action potentials to propagate to other cardiac mt cells. The autorhythmicity of the heart is attributed to the fact that it creates its own action potentials from the SA node and can be generated independently from the rest of the body. The heart's autorhythmicity also prevents it from reaching tetanus (like a skeletal muscle does), because myocardial tissue only allows a certain amount of action potentials through before it reaches its absolute refractory period when it comes to a plateau and after the wave drops again and gets hit with another action potential it has already rested.

How does an action potential differ from a graded potential?

Action potentials also known as spikes, differ from graded potentials in that they do not diminish in strength as they travel through the neuron.

Communication in the nervous system depends on?

action potentials

Does nervous tissue generate action potentials?


A nerve impulse consists of a wave of?

Action Potentials

Where do most action potentials originate?

initial segment

Can action potentials be summated?

no but generator potential can be summated